थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर क्या हैं और किसी एक को चुनने से पहले आपको 4 सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बातें पता होनी चाहिए?

थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर क्या हैं?

थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर ऐसे उपकरण हैं जो मिलीवोल्ट में सटीक थर्मोकपल सेंसर सिग्नल को अंतिम डिस्प्ले या नियंत्रण डिवाइस तक संचारित करने के लिए जिम्मेदार होते हैं। विभिन्न थर्मोकपल सेंसर को सेंसर में प्रयुक्त मिश्र धातु के प्रकार, थर्मोकपल तारों की पहचान और मिलान के लिए विशिष्ट रंग कोडिंग और अंत में कार्यात्मक तापमान सीमा जिस पर विशिष्ट थर्मोकपल काम करता है, के आधार पर संगत थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर की आवश्यकता होती है। इससे पहले कि आप अपने थर्मोकपल डिवाइस के लिए सही प्रकार के थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर का चयन करें, आपको निम्नलिखित के बारे में पता होना चाहिए:

  • थर्मोकपल मिश्रसबसे सटीक माप के लिए, कनेक्टर के अंदर थर्मोकपल पिन को लीड तारों या थर्मोकपल सेंसर तारों से मेल खाना चाहिए। आपको यहां ध्यान देना चाहिए कि प्राथमिक कनेक्टर्स में थर्मोकपल मिश्र धातुओं के 9 विभिन्न प्रकार के अंशांकन उपलब्ध हैं। बेस मेटल थर्मोकपल में आम तौर पर जे, के, टी, और एन प्रकार के अंशांकन होते हैं जो व्यापक रूप से उपयोग किए जाने वाले डिज़ाइन हैं।
  • रंग कोडथर्मोकपल कनेक्टर को आसानी से पहचानने और सेंसर और थर्मोकपल तार से सटीक मिलान करने के लिए विशिष्ट प्रकार के थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर के लिए विशिष्ट रंग कोड होते हैं। आपको इस अवधारणा को समग्रता में समझने के लिए निर्माता द्वारा प्रदान किए गए मैनुअल का संदर्भ लेना चाहिए क्योंकि यूएसए एएनएसआई कलर कोडिंग और इंटरनेशनल इलेक्ट्रोटेक्निकल कमीशन कलर कोडिंग सिस्टम जैसे विभिन्न अंतरराष्ट्रीय रंग कोडिंग सिस्टम के कारण यह कभीकभी बहुत भ्रमित करने वाला हो सकता है।
  • कार्यात्मक तापमानमिश्र धातु पिन और थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर बॉडी सामग्री सही थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर का चयन करते समय एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाते हैं, जो कार्यात्मक तापमान की सीमा के आधार पर उन्हें संचालित करने के लिए आवश्यक है।
    • थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर के धातु मिश्र धातु पिन शून्य से 2000 एफ तक के तापमान रेंज के बीच इष्टतम ढंग से काम करने में सक्षम हैं।
    • थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर बॉडी सामग्री मुख्य कारक है जो कार्यात्मक तापमान सीमा निर्धारित करने में मदद करती है जहां यह कुशलतापूर्वक और सटीक रूप से काम कर सकती है।
    • आमतौर पर थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर बॉडी सामग्री और पिन या तो सिरेमिक, थर्मोसेट या थर्मोप्लास्टिक्स से बने होते हैं, जो सभी एक विशिष्ट कार्यात्मक तापमान रेंज पर काम करते हैं, यानी -40 एफ से 1200 एफ तक।

चयन से पहले 4 सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बातें जो पता होनी चाहिए

आपकी औद्योगिक प्रक्रिया के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर चुनने से पहले विचार करने योग्य 5 सबसे महत्वपूर्ण बातें!

  1. यांत्रिक स्थायित्व: थर्मोप्लास्टिक्स से बने थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर सभी प्रकार के उद्योगों में सबसे अधिक उपयोग किए जाते हैं जहां उनके उच्च यांत्रिक स्थायित्व के कारण अत्यधिक सटीक तापमान माप की आवश्यकता होती है। वे -40 से 400 एफ और इससे ऊपर के बीच संचालित करने के लिए सबसे उपयुक्त हैं।
  2. उच्च तापमान के निरंतर संपर्क: जब आपको 500 एफ से 800 एफ की निरंतर उच्च तापमान सीमा पर कुशलतापूर्वक काम करने के लिए एक कनेक्टर की आवश्यकता होती है, तो थर्मोसेट से बना थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर एक उत्कृष्ट विकल्प होगा।
  3. उच्चतम ऑपरेटिंग रेंज: थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर जो उच्चतम तापमान ऑपरेटिंग रेंज के लिए सबसे अच्छा काम करते हैं, वे उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले सिरेमिक से बने होते हैं। वे -20 से लेकर 1200 F तक के तापमान रेंज के बीच कुशलता से काम कर सकते हैं। ऐसे कनेक्टर वैक्यूम आधारित अनुप्रयोगों में भी कुशलता से काम करते हैं।
  4. आकार: आपकी प्रक्रिया की आवश्यकता और डिज़ाइन के आधार पर, आपके पास गोलाकार या आयताकार आकार के कनेक्टर का चयन करने का विकल्प होता है जो लघु डिज़ाइन और मानक बॉडी डिज़ाइन दोनों में उपलब्ध है।

हीटकॉन सेंसर – उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर्स का विश्व स्तर पर मान्यता प्राप्त निर्माता!

यदि आप अपनी औद्योगिक प्रक्रिया के लिए उच्च गुणवत्ता वाला थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर खरीदना चाह रहे हैं या यदि आप सर्वश्रेष्ठ थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर का चयन करने के अपने विकल्पों को लेकर भ्रमित हैं जो आपकी सभी प्रक्रिया आवश्यकताओं को पूरा करेगा, तो आप हीटकॉन सेंसर्स के इंजीनियरों की उच्च विशेषज्ञ टीम से संपर्क कर सकते हैं। जो इस संबंध में आपके सभी प्रश्नों का उत्तर देगा और आपको सर्वोत्तम जानकारीपूर्ण निर्णय लेने में मदद करेगा।




थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर्स और किसी एक को चुनते समय ध्यान देने योग्य बातें!

थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर ऐसे उपकरण हैं जिनका उपयोग तापमान मापने के लिए उपकरण के दो टुकड़ों को एक साथ जोड़ने के लिए किया जाता है। मूल रूप से, थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर किसी भी औद्योगिक प्रक्रिया में उपकरण का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा है जिसमें उच्च तापमान शामिल होता है।

  • थर्मोकपल मिश्रथर्मोकपल मिश्र धातु दो अलगअलग धातुओं से बने होते हैं जो एक छोर पर एक साथ जुड़े होते हैं। फिर थर्मोकपल के दूसरे सिरे को सॉकेट में डाला जाता है। थर्मोकपल मिश्र धातुएँ ऐसी धातुएँ हैं जिनका उपयोग थर्मोकपल बनाने के लिए किया जाता है। वांछित गुणों के आधार पर कई अलगअलग मिश्र धातुएं उपयोग की जा सकती हैं। सबसे आम थर्मोकपल मिश्र धातु कॉपरकॉन्स्टेंटन, क्रोमेलएलुमेल, आयरनकॉन्स्टेंटन और प्लैटिनमरोडियम हैं। प्रत्येक मिश्र धातु में अलगअलग गुण होते हैं जो इसे विभिन्न अनुप्रयोगों के लिए उपयुक्त बनाते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, कॉपरकॉन्स्टेंटन का उपयोग अक्सर उच्च तापमान अनुप्रयोगों में किया जाता है, जबकि क्रोमेलएलुमेल कम तापमान अनुप्रयोगों के लिए बेहतर अनुकूल है।
  • रंग कोडथर्मोकपल मिश्र धातुओं को आमतौर पर उनकी संरचना को इंगित करने के लिए रंग कोडित किया जाता है। थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर पर रंग कोड मिश्र धातु में उपयोग की जाने वाली धातु के प्रकार को दर्शाते हैं। सबसे आम रंग कोड लालतांबा, सफेदक्रोमेल, पीलाएल्यूमेल, नीलाआयरन, बैंगनीप्लैटिनम और ग्रेरोडियम हैं।
  • कार्यात्मक तापमानथर्मोकपल मिश्र धातुओं में अनुप्रयोग के आधार पर विभिन्न प्रकार के कार्यात्मक तापमान होते हैं। कार्यात्मक तापमान वह तापमान है जिस पर सेंसर पर्यावरण को सटीक रूप से माप सकता है। थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर्स का कार्यात्मक तापमान -200 से +600 डिग्री सेल्सियस तक होता है। उदाहरण के लिए, कॉपरकॉन्स्टेंटन थर्मोकपल की कार्यात्मक तापमान सीमा -50 से 400 डिग्री सेल्सियस है। इसका मतलब यह है कि यह इस सीमा में तापमान को सटीक रूप से माप सकता है। थर्मोकपल मिश्र धातु थर्मोकपल सेंसर का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा हैं। सही मिश्र धातु के बिना, सेंसर तापमान को सटीक रूप से मापने में सक्षम नहीं होगा।

आपकी औद्योगिक प्रक्रिया के लिए थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर चुनते समय ध्यान देने योग्य पांच बातें

आपकी प्रक्रिया के लिए सर्वोत्तम थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर चुनने से पहले कुछ बातों पर विचार करना होगा। यदि आप अपनी औद्योगिक प्रक्रिया के लिए सर्वोत्तम थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर की तलाश कर रहे हैं, तो निम्नलिखित 5 कारकों को ध्यान में रखना महत्वपूर्ण है:

  1. यांत्रिक स्थायित्व: थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर को बारबार यांत्रिक तनाव का सामना करने में सक्षम होना चाहिए, खासकर यदि इसका उपयोग औद्योगिक सेटिंग में किया जा रहा हो। ऐसा कनेक्टर चुनना सुनिश्चित करें जो टिकाऊ सामग्री से बना हो और लंबे समय तक चलने के लिए बनाया गया हो।
  2. अत्यधिक तापमान के लगातार संपर्क में रहना: कुछ थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर बिना किसी असफलता के उच्च तापमान के लगातार संपर्क को झेलने के लिए डिज़ाइन किए गए हैं। यदि आपकी प्रक्रिया को इसकी आवश्यकता है, तो ऐसा कनेक्टर चुनना सुनिश्चित करें जो गर्मी को संभाल सके।
  3. सेंसर: सेंसर कई औद्योगिक प्रक्रियाओं का एक महत्वपूर्ण हिस्सा हैं। यदि आपकी प्रक्रिया इन सेंसरों का उपयोग करती है, तो एक थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर चुनना सुनिश्चित करें जो उनके साथ संगत हो। इन सेंसरों का उपयोग प्रक्रिया और कनेक्टर के तापमान को मापने के लिए किया जाता है। ऐसे सेंसर वाला कनेक्टर चुनें जो सटीक और विश्वसनीय हो।
  4. अधिकतम ऑपरेटिंग रेंज: उच्चतम ऑपरेटिंग रेंज वाला थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर चुनें ताकि इसका उपयोग विभिन्न प्रक्रियाओं में किया जा सके। इससे यह सुनिश्चित होगा कि यह आपकी प्रक्रिया की मांगों को संभाल सकता है।
  5. आकार: थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर विभिन्न आकार और साइज़ में आते हैं। सुनिश्चित करें कि आप वही चुनें जो आपकी आवश्यकताओं के अनुरूप हो। कनेक्टर का आकार प्रक्रिया के लिए उपयुक्त होना चाहिए।

इन कारकों को ध्यान में रखें, और आप निश्चित रूप से अपनी औद्योगिक प्रक्रिया के लिए सर्वोत्तम थर्मोकपल कनेक्टर का चयन करेंगे। उचित चयन के लिए हीटकॉन सेंसर्स पर आएं।

Thermocouple Extension Wires – Thermoplastic Compounds

PVC (Poly-Vinyl Chloride)PE (Polyethylene)

Silicon Insulation

XLPE Insulation

EPR Insulation

PEEK Insulation

PTFE Insulation

PFA Insulation

ETFE Insulation

MFA Insulation

PVC (Poly-Vinyl Chloride)

Usually self-extinguishing in nature, this is utilized basically for sheath & insulation. This becomes soft above ninety degree Celsius, becomes brittle at low temperatures (minus forty degree Celsius). This has great mechanical properties, is water/chemical/oil resistant and flame retardant, and also has quite fine abrasion resistance.


PE (Polyethylene)

This happens to be utilized basically for insulation purposes only. This has quite fine insulating properties, dielectric properties, as well as has good insulation resistance (>5000 Mohms/Km). This has an operating temperature range of –ten degree Celsius to seventy degree Celsius, & it is also very well-suited for water absorption and wear-resistant applications, wherever necessary.


Silicon Insulation

This is having excellent heat & cold resistance, and is also having great durability & excellent flexibility. The mechanical strength tends to increase by the glass braiding, which has great electrical properties suitable for high-voltage. Silicon rubber also has great resistance to chemical acids, oils as well as liquid fuels. They tend to be flame retardants that do not spread flame when exposed to fire.


XLPE Insulation

Better known as cross-linked-polyethylene-insulation, this happens to be used commonly to insulate medium as well as high voltage cables. The operating temperatures of this range from minus fifty degree Celsius to 105 degree Celsius! This tends to be utilized mainly for isolation purposes only.


EPR Insulation

Typically used to insulate low voltage cables as well as instrument cables; the operating temperature of this ranges from minus forty degree Celsius to ninety degree Celsius.


PEEK Insulation

PEEK stands for Polyetheretherketone. This happens to be one of the most efficient plastics that are available today. PEEK is basically a high-temp thermoplastic insulator, which is semi-crystalline in nature.


PTFE Insulation

PTFE stands for poly-tetra-fluoroethylene; this insulation is utilized mainly in a variety of high-temp applications in gas turbines as well as in high-voltage gas igniting wires. Owing to the thin walls, it is utilized in the aerospace industry as well as defense sectors, and even in vacuum. Its temperature ranges from -267 degree Celsius to 260 degree Celsius.


PFA Insulation

PFA stands for Per-Fluoro-Alkoxy. This is utilized in various high-temp applications like in gas turbines. This has almost similar properties as that of PTFE insulation. This has great electrical performance as well as mechanical performance of PTFE, along with added advantages of being simple & conventionally-compressible. Its temperature ranges from -260 degree Celsius to 260 degree Celsius.


ETFE Insulation

ETFE stands for Ethylene-Propylene-Fluoro-ethylene). This insulation is a durable material with great tear strength, nice tensile strength as well as excellent mechanical properties. This is having a wide as well as quite useful temperature range, and maintains considerable durability at quite low temperatures. This is widely utilized in both military as well as industrial applications. Its temperature ranges from -185 degree Celsius to 150 degree Celsius.


MFA Insulation

This also happens to be the fluoropolymer compound, whose temperature ranges from -200 degree Celsius to 250 degree Celsius. This is also having quite fine dielectric constant as well as great resistance to chemicals, oil, UV-radiations, as well as moisture. This happens to be used widely in various high-temp applications, military applications & industrial applications.

Heatcon Sensors

Heatcon Sensors is the best place to procure products like Thermocouple Extension Wires!

Thermocouple Extension Cable Insulation Type

Fiberglass Insulation

Ceramic Fiber Insulation

Alumina Fiber

Polymide Insulation



Thermoplastic Compounds – High Temperature Insulation

Fiberglass Insulation 

Such type of fiber-glass thermocouple extension cable insulation is basically utilized in high-temp applications with temperature ranging from -73 degree Celsius to 600 degree Celsius. This tends to have very good wear resistance, great dielectric characteristics, excellent fire & high-temp resistance. All these properties make this a vastly utilized one mainly in the industrial applications including glass plants, steel plants as well as aluminum plants. This is also made use of in the heat-treatment industry. 

Ceramic Fiber Insulation

This type of ceramic-fiber thermocouple extension cable insulation is having a higher range of temperature than that of the fiberglass discussed above. The operating temperature of this particular one is up to 800 degree Celsius. This has great fire & heat resistance characteristics. This is vastly made use of in various industrial applications such as in glass plants, steel plants as well as aluminum plants too. This one is also utilized in the heat-treatment industries, furnace research as well as in temperature sensors too. 

Alumina Fiber

This one has the highest temperature tolerance range up to even 1200 degree Celsius. This is also having great flame retardant as well as heat resistance characteristics. Continuous filament aluminum fiber has been adopted for use in the insulation of conductors as well as in the jacketing of cables, for the reason of it withstanding quite high temperature, thus maintaining crucial strength as well as flexibility even upto 1200 degree Celsius for long durations of time. These also have great chemical resistance. 

Polymide Insulation

Such types of polyimide tapes tend to be sturdy golden brown plastic films with great physical, chemical as well as electrical characteristics over a very wide temperature range. Such films do not tend to melt and they are also fire resistant because of having the highest flammability. The operating temperature of this type of insulation ranges from -267 degree Celsius to 310 degree Celsius. 


Having great fire & heat resistance characteristics, this flame retardant insulation type is typically used as a fire resistant intermediate tape. 


The primary reason for utilizing such asbestos insulation is its property of being fire & heat resistant. Among other reasons is its property of electrical insulation, acid resistance as well as good durability. The property of electrical insulation is also being used for protecting conductors from damaging conditions such as with exposure to moisture & chemicals, and even to fill up spaces wherever corona discharges are likely.

Heatcon Sensors

Heatcon Sensors is a company that houses the best range of products. So, whenever you are making such purchases, you can do so from the house of Heatcon!



Know It All about Thermowell Fitting Accessories

Metal Plugs & Socket Connections

Standard and Mini Thermocouple Connectors


Thermowell Fitting Accessories

Installation of the temperature sensor assemblies into a thermowell or straight inside a said process needs the utilization of a certain type of fitting that of brass/stainless-steel. This fitting tends to consist of some threaded connections, a bayonet cover (& adapters) along with a flange as well. The flange, which is somewhat adjustable, could simultaneously be utilized to assemble the sensors during the said process. The cap enables quick installation in suitable adapters, which are located inside that process; and such a technology has been used widely majorly in plastic machineries. Bushes & hexagon-plugs have been utilized while adjustments and/or removals in a much lesser significance. The selection of the fitting might be driven by the necessity for pressure integrity or also by the limitations of physical sizes. Such a compression-fitting as well as threaded brush could be supplied as well with the tapered threads for achieving a connection that is pressure-tight. 

  • Compression Fittings: The compression fittings, which are adjustable in nature, have been utilized straight over the probe for achieving the much-needed insertion length in that process, as well as for ensuring right protection of the probe(s) inside the thermowells. A compression fitting thus used to attach tubing (i.e. piping) usually has ferrules inside them. Compression fitting is thus quite popular as it does not need any kind of soldering, which makes them relatively quicker & easier to be used. 
  • Nipple Fittings: A nipple is made from the same flange family at both ends of the tube section. (Hybrid adapters are connectors with flanges of a different family on each end.) A straight nipple is made with the same-sized flange on both ends of a straight tubing-section. The reducer nipple has flanges of different sizes at both ends (that belong to the same family). 


3-piece unions must be utilized in dangerous places, in the junctions of pipes (conduits) & boxes or different appliances. The links consist of 3 independent pieces, which could possibly be screwed together by the rotation of the same pieces together among them. 


Metal Plugs & Socket Connections

The connection between the thermocouple’s thermoelectric leads and the extension cables is made with uncompensated male & female connectors. The metal frame and housing of such connectors tend to ensure the continuity of protection or screening, & good temperature. 

Standard and Mini Thermocouple Connectors

The standard and mini connectors are perfect for connecting the sensors of a thermocouple along with the extension or compensation cable towards one another. The pins tend to be polarized for preventing any wrong connections and the connector body also tends to be marked with polarity. Such connectors are color coded as per the specific standards such as: IEC and ANSI etc.



Introduction to Thermocouple Extension Cable

More about Thermocouple Extension Cable

About the Costs


Introduction to Thermocouple Extension Leads and Compensating Cable

It’s usually desired for connecting thermocouples’ probes as parts of some very long circuits to a remotely operated unit of reference and/or some measuring instruments further away from the sensor itself. However, the expense is generally avoided of high-quality thermocouples’ cables in the longer run. It can be fine if some cheaper cable is connected, but this has to be done without worrying too much that the connection temperature is known & taken well into consideration. When thermocouples are connected to instruments, it’s necessary to use a cable with the same EMF-output as that of the thermocouple; else spurious EMFs will occur at those junctions. The finest solution hence comes with the utilization of the same material as that of the thermocouple (extension-cable). A cost-effective option is to utilize compensating cables with alloys different from those of the thermocouples, which have the same power in a limited range of temperature.

More about Thermocouple Extension Cable 

Compensating & extension grades of wires tend to be provided in the bright-annealed form. To make this happen, the extra conductor’s thermoelectric properties mustn’t vary much from that of the thermocouples. Extension & compensating cable offers a highly-convenient & quite-economical solution; with its own advantages as well as disadvantages. The extension cable nominally utilizes a similar conductor as that of the thermocouples, so that it has similar thermal characteristics and no such problems appearing with the connection. The mismatching error appearing from high temperature of the connecting-box tends to be comparatively small.

About the Costs

Such cables tend to be less expensive than thermocouples’ wires, though not quite cheap; they tend to be produced in a form suitable for long-distance transport, usually as multi-core cable or flexible wiring. These are advisable for the highest level of accuracy. Compensating cables, alternatively, tend to be less accurate but less expensive even. They use quite a variety of relatively cheaper alloy conductors’ material. Therefore, combining these would harness the same power as a particular thermocouple, but the range of operating temperature must be limited to keep the mismatch error acceptably diminutive.


Insulation is known as the layer of polymer, plastic, or high-temp compound applied directly over the conductor. Generally, various insulations are offered along with a vast temperature range from -260 degree Celsius to 1200 degree Celsius. Most insulating materials are also being utilized for sheathing. Insulating material is selected as per their mechanical, electrical, and high-temp properties. Sheath means the outer layer of polymer, plastic, or high-temp compound applied to the cables. The outermost sheath (or better known as the jacket) is intended for mechanical protection of the insulated cores and other cable’s components. 

Heatcon Sensors 

For the best range of products, you can connect with Heatcon Sensors and get the finest quality you need.



Protection Tubes Explained in Detail

Features of a Protection Tube

Metallic/Non-Metallic Sheath or Protection

Ceramic Sheaths with Thermocouple Elements 

Types of Protection Tubes


Protection Tubes

Thermowell, Fittings, and Terminations are all important components of a protection tube assembly. A protection tube, also called a thermowell, is a hollow sleeve that is used to protect temperature sensing elements, like thermocouples and RTDs, from the process environment. Thermowell is available in a variety of materials, like stainless steel that can withstand high temperatures and corrosive environments. Fittings are used to connect the protection tube to the process. Common fittings include weld-in fittings, threaded fittings, and sweat fittings. Terminations are used to seal the end of the protection tube and protect the sensor from the process environment. When selecting a protection tube assembly, it is important to consider the type of process environment, the temperature range, the pressure range, and the corrosion resistance required.

Features of a Protection Tube

Thermowell fittings and terminations are an essential part of any process system. They provide a means of protecting expensive instrumentation from the hostile environment of the process. A well-designed protection tube will have a number of features that make it an ideal choice for use in a process application. These features include:

  • A smooth interior surface that is free of sharp edges or burrs. This is important to prevent damage to the instrumentation that is being protected.
  • A thick wall that is resistant to corrosion and can withstand the pressures and temperatures of the process.
  • A robust connection to the process piping that will not leak or fail under pressure.
  • A flared end that allows for easy installation of the instrumentation.

Metallic/Non-Metallic Sheath or Protection 

A metal tube, mostly stainless steel, tends to have some mechanical advantages plus an increased thermal conductivity; these are usually immune to any thermal shock(s). The metal protective sheath can possibly be utilized at temperatures up to 1150 degree Celsius. Ceramic is better when more purity is needed for the sensors or products to not contaminate at high temperatures.

Ceramic Sheaths with Thermocouple Elements 

The basic use range of the ceramic sheath is at 1000 – 1800 degree Celsius. These could be in direct contact with the medium one or could also be utilized as gas-tight inner sheaths for separating the thermocouples from actual metal protective tubes. These must be installed in a hanging position above the temperature of 1200 degree Celsius for avoiding any distortion or breakage owing to bending stress. Even any hairline crack could possibly cause contamination of the thermocouples, leading to drifts or damages. Thickness of the wall of the material is also significant; where a thin-walled tube is better than a thicker wall. Cracks often occur when they are subjected to too rapid temperature alterations when quickly removed from hot furnaces.

Types of Protection Tubes

  1. Metallic 
  2. Non-Metallic 

Heatcon Sensors 

When selecting a protection tube for your application, it is important to consult with a knowledgeable supplier who can help you choose the best option for your specific needs. Contact Heatcon right away! So, if you are looking for high quality protection tubes, thermowell, fittings and terminations, look no further than our company. We offer a wide range of products that are designed to meet the highest standards of quality and safety. Our products are also available in a variety of sizes and configurations to meet your specific needs. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can help you protect your investment.



All about Temperature Measurement

Contact Method 

Non-Contact Method

Temperature measurement is very crucial in a wide range of industrial applications, so continuous temperature measurement is highly significant. Temperature can be measured with various sorts of sensors; which all work according to a similar principle of temperature output as per the changes whatsoever caused by their physical properties. According to the type of application, this can be divided into the following parts. 

Contact Method 

This particular method is used when the body and the sensor remain in contact with each other. 3 different thermometers are used in the contact method, as follows:

  1. Expansion thermometers: They use bimetallic devices that have 2 different materials. So, these devices have strips of 2 metals, bonded together. When heated, one side expands more than the other, so the resulting expansion is converted into a temperature reading by a mechanical connection to a pointer. The advantage is that they are portable and do not require a power source. And the disadvantage of these types of instruments is that they are not as accurate as other devices and cannot be used for direct control or recording. 
  2. Filling system thermometers: They are filled with any substitute. They generally fall into 2 main categories: mercury type and organic liquid. Because mercury is considered an environmental hazard, regulations apply to the transportation of equipment containing mercury. Today, there are filled system thermometers that use gas instead of liquids. The advantage of such devices is that they do not require electricity, do not present an explosion hazard, and are stable even after repeated cycling. And the disadvantage of these types of devices is that they do not produce data that can be easily stored or transmitted, and they do not make point or point measurements. 
  3. Electric thermometers: As its name proposes, this type of instrument detects temperature through electrical quantities (like the voltage, & resistance, etc.). So, we can say that this won’t be controlling indicator thermometers, for instance, mercury in glassware. In most industrial & laboratory processes, the measuring point is usually far from the indicator or control device. This may be due to necessity (like in an adverse environment) or convenience (as in centralized data collection). Devices that convert temperature into another signal, usually electrical quantities, are necessary. The most common devices in this type of thermometer are as follows:
  • Thermocouples : They consist primarily of a thermocouple & a suitable two-wire extension lead, working based on a junction in the process, creating a small voltage that increases with temperature. It is done on a relatively stable & repeatable basis. 
  • Resistance thermometers : This makes use of a precision resistor whose resistance value (ohms) increases with temperature. The RTD had a positive temperature coefficient. Such sort of variation(s) is quite stable & indeed repeatable. 
  • Thermistors (the similarity is that they all require) : This is a semiconductor used as a temperature sensor. It is made from a mixture of metal oxides pressed into a bead, disc, or other shapes. The pearl is heated under pressure at a high temperature and then encapsulated in epoxy or glass. Beads can be very small, in some cases less than 1 mm. 

Non-Contact Method 

This method is used if the body and the sensor are not allowed to contact each other. The most common non-contact thermometers are the easy-to-be-operated infrared sensor & pyrometer, which is now the most common non-contact temperature measuring instrument in industrial applications! 

Heatcon Sensors

If you’re looking for accurate temperature measurement, you can’t go wrong with Heatcon Sensors. These sensors use the latest in heat-sensing technology to provide reliable readings. Whether you’re measuring the temperature of a room, an object, or even the air, Heatcon sensors are up to the task.

What Are Temperature Controllers & Their Different Types?

What Are Temperature Controllers?

What are Different Types of Temperature Controllers & How Each Type Works?

What Are Temperature Controllers?

Temperature controllers work by sensing the temperature of the space or system that they are controlling without much intervention from the operator. In a temperature control system, a controller accepts the input received by the sensor or a thermocouple and compares the measured temperature to the desired output temperature known as set point. This output will then be utilized by the element to control the temperature. This set point can be balanced utilizing either a cooling system or a heater as per the difference between the actual and the desired temperatures. If the temperature is too high, the controller will activate the cooling system. If the temperature is too low, the controller will allow the heating system to continue further heating. A controller makes only a part of the entire control system, and in order to install the entire temperature control unit for a process, the entire system configuration needs to be thoroughly analyzed and assessed for its temperature controlling capacity. 

What are Different Types of Temperature Controllers & How Each Type Works?

There are a variety of different types of temperature controllers available on the market. The type of controller that you choose will depend on your specific needs. Some of the most common types of temperature controllers include on-off controller, proportional temperature controller, and PID type controller as detailed below:-

#1 – On-Off Type Temperature Controller: This type of temperature controller is the most basic type of controller where the output can either be turned on or off. It has a defined set point such that when temperature has risen to that particular point, the heater will be automatically switched off. The heater remains on until the temperature of the system is recorded below the set point. For continuity of the heating process, the process controller goes through cycling between on and off since the temperature goes up and down the set point. It is most suitable for processes where precise temperature control is not required or where the mass of the material to be heated is so large that any temperature change happens pretty slowly and gradually. 

#2 – Proportional Temperature Controller: A proportional temperature controller is so designed to eliminate the process cycling that is associated with on-off temperature controllers. This type of controller controls the power being supplied to the heating element as the process temperature is about to reach its set point. This type of controller is extremely useful in processes where temperature needs to be kept stable. 

#3 – PID Temperature Controller: A PID temperature controller is a device that is used to regulate temperature by controlling the amount of heat that is generated. The controller uses a feedback loop to compare the actual temperature to the desired temperature, and then adjusts the heat output accordingly. PID temperature controllers can be used in a wide variety of applications, such as keeping the temperature of an oven or a furnace at a set point. They are often used in industrial settings where precise temperature control is critical. PID temperature controllers work by constantly monitoring the temperature and making adjustments to the heat output as needed. This ensures that the temperature remains at the desired level, even if the conditions around the controller change.

Heatcon – The Leading Manufacturer and Supplier of Top Quality Temperature Controllers for Industries!

For more information on temperature controllers and to figure out which type of temperature controller will work best for your industrial process, you can seek help from the top notch industry experts at Heatcon who can surely be able to help you select the best temperature controller for your industry type.

Learn More About Data Loggers & How They Are Important for Enterprises!

What Is A Data Logger?

What Is Data Acquisition?

Where Data Loggers Are Used?

Why Data Loggers Are Important For Enterprises?

You Can Rely on High-Quality Data Loggers Manufactured by Heatcon!

What Is A Data Logger?

A data logger is an electronic appliance which monitors and stores measurements of environmental parameters in real time. The measurements recorded by this appliance are useful in keeping a record of all changes happening in the environmental parameters such as temperature changes with respect to time. These measurements are then available for critical analysis, validation, and further processing as may be needed by the process. A sensor is used in a data logger to help receive the real-time information which is then stored in the chip of the data logger. One can easily transfer this information to a network computer. 

What Is Data Acquisition?

Data acquisition is the process of obtaining a sample of real-time waveforms and/or signals emitted by the object being monitored and then processing of this info received to obtain real-time information about the changes as desired. A data logger utilizes appropriate sensors to adequately convert measurement of the environmental parameter into an electrical impulse for further processing. 

Where Data Loggers Are Used?

A data logger can be used to monitor many parameters such as pulse or counts, humidity, CO2 levels, temperature, voltage, etc. Data loggers are extremely useful for closely monitoring many industrial processes where any temperature changes and other environmental parameters are critical such as industrial furnaces, warehouses, etc. Various industries need different types of data loggers to monitor and record data of critical environmental factors, as follows:-

  • Metallurgy and environmental research
  • Healthcare and research laboratories
  • Warehouses and logistics
  • Agriculture
  • Manufacturing industries

Why Data Loggers Are Important For Enterprises?

  • To ensure regulatory, statutory, and environmental compliance that needs to be necessarily maintained by various industries
  • To capture critical process data for process improvement and analysis
  • For research and innovation and product improvement studies
  • Careful monitoring of the industrial process in order to ensure safety of the process
  • Keeping a record of accurate and reliable data to make further enhancements and/or amendments in the process

You Can Rely on High-Quality Data Loggers Manufactured by Heatcon!

Heatcon Sensors has been a leading manufacturer of high-quality temperature sensors for over 3 decades. The main advantages of using the data loggers made by Heatcon include:-

  • The data loggers from Heatcon are compact, affordable, and easy to install.
  • A wide range of parameters can be recorded using Heatcon sensors
  • Dual channel Heatcon data loggers are also available to monitor two parameters simultaneously, i.e., humidity and temperature.
  • Suitable for a variety of applications offering different configurations and features
  • They have waterproof and rugged enclosures
  • Good storage capacity to store data safely and for longer periods
  • A Heatcon data logger can be custom-designed as per the need of the process as all the sensors, hardware, and even software are designed in-house making data loggers extremely accurate, reliable. 
  • The Data loggers from Heatcon are extremely popular for enabling enterprises maintain a stringent control on quality along with providing complete flexibility in the way they wish their data to be safely stored and monitored. 


If you wish to learn more, call the experts at Heatcon Sensors who will be happy to respond and address all your queries. 

What Are Pyrometers, How They Work, & Their Use In Various Industrial Applications?

What Are Pyrometers And How Infrared Pyrometers Work?

What Are Different Parts Of An Infrared Pyrometer?

What Are Different Types of Infrared Pyrometers Based on Different Spectral Ranges!

What Are The Advantages of Infrared Pyrometers?

What Are Pyrometers And How Infrared Pyrometers Work?

Pyrometers are devices that measure the temperature of an object from a distance without coming in direct contact with the object. For most industrial applications, the infrared pyrometers are widely used to measure temperatures of objects which are required to be heated to very high temperatures such as industrial furnaces. 

Infrared pyrometers work by measuring the infrared radiation emitted by the object as it increases with increase in temperature. So, by measuring the amount of infrared radiation emitted by an object, we can indirectly measure its temperature and monitor even minutest changes in temperature in real-time.

What Are Different Parts Of An Infrared Pyrometer?

Infrared pyrometers usually consist of two main parts: a sensor and a display. The sensor is usually a thermopile, which is a device that converts infrared radiation into electrical energy. The display shows the temperature reading. Thermopiles are very sensitive and can accurately measure even the smallest temperature changes. This makes them ideal for measuring the temperature of hot objects, such as in large industrial furnaces. Some infrared pyrometers also have a built-in temperature compensator. This is a device that automatically adjusts the reading to account for the temperature of the surrounding environment. This ensures that the reading is as accurate as possible.

What Are Different Types of Infrared Pyrometers Based on Different Spectral Ranges!

When it comes to measuring high temperatures, there are different types of pyrometers that can be used, depending on the spectral range. Infrared pyrometers are ideal for measuring temperatures from a distance, and they work by detecting the infrared radiation emitted by an object. Since we all know that metals and non-metals emit different wavelength radiations, different infrared pyrometers are required to measure different types of objects based on their spectral ranges. These infrared pyrometers are meant to be extremely accurate, non-contact type, precise, and quick to measure temperature of even fast-moving objects.

What Are The Advantages of Infrared Pyrometers?

Infrared pyrometers are commonly used in a variety of industries for temperature measurement. The most common advantages of using infrared pyrometers include:

  • They are non-contact instruments, so there is no need to physically touch the object being measured. This is especially beneficial in situations where the object is too hot to safely touch, or in clean room environments where contamination must be avoided.
  • They are very fast, reliable, and accurate and are able to take measurements in as little as one second.
  • They are very versatile and can be used to measure the temperature of both solid and liquid objects.
  • They are relatively affordable compared to other temperature measurement devices.
  • They are relatively easy to use, even by people with no previous experience.

Heatcon Sensors – A Leading Manufacturer of High-Quality Pyrometers for All Types of Industries!

Overall, infrared pyrometers are a very useful tool for measuring the temperature of hot objects. They are accurate and easy to use, making them a popular choice for many industrial applications. If you too are interested in getting one for your particular process or industry, you can talk to the experts at Heatcon who have the expertise and experience in manufacturing high-quality infrared pyrometers.

Role of Paperless Recorders in the Present Day Scenario

Paperless Recorders 

Why Are Paperless Recorders the Need-of-the-Hour?

Considerations for Ensuring the Best Selection of a Paperless Recorder for Your Business

Paperless Recorders by Heatcon Sensors

Paperless Recorders 

A lot of people are asking the question, “What exactly is a paperless recorder?” It is an electro mechanical device that captures all the changes happening in a closed system and records the variable values of data in the form of a chart. These charted values then can be stored, processed, and finally displayed using a digital display screen without having to print anything. For example, in a cold storage warehouse, a user can use a paperless recorder to collect real-time temperature changes and monitor and access any recorded fluctuations in temperature even remotely using a paperless recorder.  The industry wide use of such paperless recorders has increased manifold given its potential advantages of capturing and displaying real time data. 

Why Are Paperless Recorders the Need-of-the-Hour?

The need for paperless recorders is a global phenomenon, and it’s only getting more and more important as the time goes on.  Paperless recorders have been developing at a fast pace as a result of technological developments. The design of these recorders has also undergone significant changes as per the industry type and the process requirement. Manufacturers have created these digital recorders that combine technology and innovation at the same time. As the name suggests, these recorders eliminate the use of paper and are able to display real-time data digitally. Users can even configure the displays according to their requirements. Periodic rounds for close monitoring by the user are not at all needed any longer as the real-time data can be accessed easily from a centralized and remote location through a network connection. No pen, no paper, and no ribbon required, plus there is the flexibility of comfortably storing the data captured by the device, without worrying about its degradation. These benefits of a paperless recorder make it a true necessity in today’s time when people are so tied up in their busy schedules.

Considerations for Ensuring the Best Selection of a Paperless Recorder for Your Business

There must be many users who would be perplexed in choosing the ideal paperless recorder for their business. This can be because they are uncertain about their proper usage. They might not know which process in their industry can be easily automated using a paperless recorder and what can be the potential benefits of it. Here are some key points to consider in making sure you choose the best paperless recorder ideal for your industrial process:

  • Accuracy: If your process requires accurate data to be collected in real-time, these paperless recorders are extremely efficient in recording data with great precision and accuracy. With these recorders, data can be recorded error-free and can be considered absolutely reliable. 
  • Enhanced Security of Data: If you wish to keep your process data secure and safe, these paperless recorders are extremely beneficial. A paperless recorder helps maintain a high level of data safety and maintains its integrity without any risk of cyber threats. 
  • Uncorrupt Data: For any entrepreneur, process data is extremely important and it should never get corrupted by any means. So, these recorders are best-suited as the recorded data remains encrypted at all times and logically stored, thus ensuring safety.
  • Firmware Upgrades: A digital paperless recorder has a much larger capacity for being upgraded at the site than a paper recorder. These recorders meet the new guidelines of firmware upgrades.
  • Remote Access: Today, most businesses have separate geographical units so to acquire data in such a scenario, one needs remote access to data which is made possible only with these digital recorders.
  • Understand the Software: The software is a crucial part of these digital recorders. So, it is necessary to have the ability to work with the manufacturer’s software bundles as well as the 3rd party software. The manufacturers must provide such software that permits the following things to be done:
    • Software Must Allow Configurations from PC: Remotely-controlled software must allow installing of fresh configurations to the recorder, entering batch-data, and managing the data-driven files from any remote location. 
    • Capability to Communicate: Communication is that aspect where these recorders gleam. Do not invest in the recorders which do not have networkable Ethernet communication as it is the Ethernet port only where all advanced features can be fed easily. 

Paperless Recorders by Heatcon Sensors

Paperless Recorders by Heatcon Sensors are the latest innovation in this field. They are highly sensitive to record any minutest data variations, have a digital display for real-time monitoring, keep the recorded data secure and safe at all times, and the data can be easily accessed even remotely. If you too have a process that requires capturing of real-time data and doesn’t know which paperless recorder can suffice, contact the highly skilled and expert engineers working with Heatcon to get complete and reliable knowledge about paperless recorders.

What Is Mineral Insulation Cable & Its Benefits?

Advantages of Mineral Insulation Cables In Critical Industrial Processes!

A mineral insulation cable is the most preferred type of cable to be especially used in harsh environmental conditions and extremely high temperatures because of its low flammability properties. It is specifically being used in the thermocouple manufacturing industry to manufacture high-quality and accurate thermocouples which are used to measure minute temperature changes in industrial furnaces. The MI cables allow for precise and accurate temperature measurements due to their high resistance to oxidation at extremely high temperatures.

Advantages of Mineral Insulation Cables In Critical Industrial Processes!

  • For wet and chemically active environments, the metal sheathing that clads the mineral insulation cable does not allow for oxidation of the thermocouple wires. This provides for extreme corrosion resistance which makes MI cables ideal for processes where frequent replacement is either impossible or their failure may be too dangerous, as in nuclear power plants where core temperature is critically high. In such a case, it becomes extremely important to monitor accurate temperature and maintain it at all times using a high-quality thermocouple to avoid any major accidents. 
  • MI cables are filled with minerals to provide for excellent insulation, which is a non-reactive coating to help prevent the thermocouple wires from coming in contact with caustic substances like oils, water, and other industrial solvents or with each other. This further helps the temperature sensors to accurately record any temperature changes in critical processes such as sintering or heat treating where any small temperature fluctuations might adversely impact the quality of the product. 
  • The MI cables are insulated in such a way that its insulation will never catch fire in any case making it ideal for processes where any small fire could be disastrous. Nuclear power plants, medical device manufacturing industry, and oil rigs are some examples where the use of high-quality MI cables becomes extremely important. 
  • The insulation of the MI cable protects the thermocouple probes from coming in contact with other electrical wires which helps the thermocouple probes to take most accurate temperature measurements for longer periods without experiencing a malfunction. 
  • The MI cables are calibrated as per international standards to provide for precise and most accurate temperature measurements while operating in long duty cycles. 
  • The mineral insulation of MI cables makes them the perfect choice to be used in extremely high temperature conditions to obtain most accurate temperature readings. Because of this, they are considered ideal for industrial furnaces, firing ceramics, kilns, or heat-treating metals. MI cables are designed to withstand high temperatures, and thus, they are extremely reliable even after exposure to the highest order of temperatures by not losing their accuracy. These cables are extremely useful in industries where high international safety and quality standards are needed to be strictly enforced in order to avoid any industrial accidents.  

Heatcon Sensors – The Pioneers of Manufacturing High-Quality Thermocouples Using International Standard MI Cables!

If you have an industrial process which requires the best quality temperature sensing devices to take the most accurate temperature measurements over long duty cycles, you can contact the experts at Heatcon Sensors who can help you not only decide which option will work best for your process, but also they can help customize and design one for you to meet your specific process needs.