आपके उपयोग के लिए सही प्रकार के रासायनिक विसर्जन हीटर का चयन करते समय विचार करने योग्य शीर्ष 7 कारक!

रासायनिक विसर्जन हीटर क्या हैं?

रासायनिक विसर्जन हीटर ऐसे उपकरण हैं जिनका उपयोग तरल पदार्थों को गर्म करने के लिए किया जाता है। आम तौर पर ऐसे रासायनिक विसर्जन हीटर स्टेनलेस स्टील जैसी संक्षारण प्रतिरोधी सामग्री से बने होते हैं। आमतौर पर उनके पास एक हीटिंग तत्व होता है जिसे गर्म करने के लिए तरल में डुबोया जाता है। हीटर का उपयोग अक्सर औद्योगिक और वाणिज्यिक अनुप्रयोगों में किया जाता है, जैसे कि रासायनिक प्रसंस्करण संयंत्रों में।

आपको अपने औद्योगिक अनुप्रयोगों के लिए रासायनिक विसर्जन हीटर का उपयोग कैसे करना चाहिए?

उनका उचित उपयोग करने के लिए, यह समझना महत्वपूर्ण है कि रासायनिक विसर्जन हीटर कैसे काम करते हैं और क्या सावधानियां बरतनी चाहिए। विसर्जन हीटर किसी तरल पदार्थ को सीधे गर्म करके काम करते हैं। यह या तो हीटर के माध्यम से तरल पदार्थ प्रसारित करके या हीटर को तरल पदार्थ में डुबो कर किया जा सकता है। किसी भी तरह से, गर्म होने के लिए तरल पदार्थ को हीटिंग तत्व के संपर्क में होना चाहिए।

औद्योगिक उपयोग के लिए उपलब्ध सबसे सामान्य प्रकार के इमर्शन हीटर!

कई अलगअलग प्रकार के इमर्शन हीटर उपलब्ध हैं, जिनमें से प्रत्येक के अपने गुण और दोष हैं। आपके द्वारा उपयोग किए जाने वाले हीटर का प्रकार विशिष्ट अनुप्रयोग पर निर्भर करेगा। विसर्जन हीटरों के कुछ सबसे सामान्य प्रकारों में निम्नलिखित शामिल हैं:

  • एलिमेंट हीटर: एलिमेंट हीटर विसर्जन हीटर का सबसे बुनियादी प्रकार हैं। इनमें एक हीटिंग तत्व होता है जो तरल पदार्थ में डूबा होता है। तत्व आमतौर पर धातु से बना होता है, जैसे स्टेनलेस स्टील।
  • कॉइल हीटर: कॉइल हीटर एलिमेंट हीटर के समान होते हैं, लेकिन उनमें एकल तत्व के बजाय टयूबिंग का कॉइल होता है। यह बेहतर गर्मी हस्तांतरण और अधिक कुशल हीटिंग की अनुमति देता है।
  • ट्यूब हीटर: ट्यूब हीटर विसर्जन हीटर का सबसे कुशल प्रकार हैं। इनमें एक ट्यूब होती है जो तरल पदार्थ में डूबी होती है। ट्यूब आमतौर पर स्टेनलेस स्टील या अन्य प्रकार की धातु से बनी होती है।

क्या सावधानी बरतें?

इमर्शन हीटर का उपयोग करते समय दुर्घटनाओं को रोकने के लिए सावधानी बरतना महत्वपूर्ण है। सबसे आम प्रकार की दुर्घटना अत्यधिक गर्मी है, जो आग या विस्फोट का कारण बन सकती है। यह सुनिश्चित करना भी महत्वपूर्ण है कि गर्म किया जा रहा तरल पदार्थ हीटर के अनुकूल है। कुछ तरल पदार्थ, जैसे पानी, हीटिंग तत्व को नुकसान पहुंचा सकते हैं।

आपके उपयोग के लिए सही प्रकार के रासायनिक विसर्जन हीटर का चयन करते समय विचार करने योग्य शीर्ष 7 कारक!

जब आपके उपयोग के लिए सही प्रकार के रासायनिक विसर्जन हीटर को खोजने की बात आती है, तो ध्यान में रखने के लिए कुछ महत्वपूर्ण कारक हैं। यहां शीर्ष 7 कारकों की सूची दी गई है जिन पर आपको विचार करना चाहिए:

  1. गर्म होने वाले तरल पदार्थ का प्रकार: रासायनिक विसर्जन हीटर चुनते समय विचार करने के लिए यह सबसे महत्वपूर्ण कारक है। अलगअलग तरल पदार्थों की हीटिंग आवश्यकताएं अलगअलग होती हैं, इसलिए ऐसे हीटर का चयन करना महत्वपूर्ण है जो विशेष रूप से आपके द्वारा उपयोग किए जा रहे तरल पदार्थ के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया हो।
  2. आपको जो तापमान प्राप्त करने की आवश्यकता है: एक ऐसे हीटर का चयन करना सुनिश्चित करें जो आपके आवेदन के लिए वांछित तापमान तक पहुंच सके।
  3. हीटर का आकार और आकार: हीटर का आकार उस कंटेनर के आकार से निर्धारित किया जाएगा जिसमें इसका उपयोग किया जाएगा। ऐसा हीटर चुनना सुनिश्चित करें जो आपके कंटेनर के आयामों में फिट बैठता हो।
  4. वाट क्षमता: यह हीटर की शक्ति का एक माप है और गर्म किए जाने वाले तरल पदार्थ के आकार और प्रकार से निर्धारित किया जाएगा। अपने उपयोग के लिए उपयुक्त वाट क्षमता वाले हीटर का चयन करना सुनिश्चित करें।
  5. सामग्री: हीटर की सामग्री गर्म किए जाने वाले तरल पदार्थ के अनुकूल होनी चाहिए। अपना चयन करने से पहले अनुकूलता की जांच अवश्य कर लें।
  6. कीमत: इमर्शन हीटर की कीमत में काफी भिन्नता हो सकती है, इसलिए ऐसा हीटर चुनना महत्वपूर्ण है जो आपके बजट के अनुकूल हो।
  7. वारंटी: अपने निवेश के संबंध में किसी प्रकार की मानसिक शांति पाने के लिए, अपना अंतिम चयन करने से पहले विसर्जन हीटर की वारंटी की जांच करना सुनिश्चित करें।

रासायनिक विसर्जन हीटर चुनते समय इन कारकों को ध्यान में रखें और आप अपने आवेदन के लिए सही हीटर का चयन करना सुनिश्चित करेंगे। यदि आप अपने चयन के बारे में अनिश्चित हैं, तो सर्वोत्तम गुणवत्ता वाले रासायनिक विसर्जन हीटर के अग्रणी निर्माता, हीटकॉन सेंसर्स के विशेषज्ञों को कॉल करें।



Choosing the Best Cartridge Heater Manufacturer

High-Density Cartridge Heaters

Low-Density Cartridge Heaters

Split-Type Cartridge Heaters

Choosing the Best Cartridge Heater Manufacturer


Cartridge heaters are a type of electric heating element used for various industrial applications, primarily for heating metal parts or materials. They are cylindrical in shape and are designed to be inserted into a hole or cavity of the workpiece, where heat is required. These heaters are commonly used in industries such as plastics, packaging, food processing, aerospace, medical equipment, and semiconductor manufacturing. Choosing an ideal cartridge heater manufacturer facilitates the most suitable procurement of the product(s). 

Types of Cartridge Heaters

Each type of cartridge heater has its unique advantages & applications. Choosing the right type depends on the specific heating requirements, the material being heated, the size of the cavity or hole, and the desired heating rate. So, let’s delve deeper into the types of cartridge heaters:

  • High-Density Cartridge Heaters: These heaters are designed with a higher wattage per square inch, resulting in a more concentrated heat output. They are ideal for applications that require rapid heating or in situations where a localized intense heat source is necessary. The most common features of such heaters are given as under:
    • Watt density: Higher wattage per square inch, allowing for a more concentrated heat output.
    • Construction: Similar to low-density heaters, they have a coiled wire element inside a metal sheath, surrounded by insulating material like magnesium oxide (MgO).
    • Features: These are quite compact in construction, which is for minimizing shocks & vibrations. They offer a highly good heat transfer rate.
    • Uses: These heaters are commonly used in applications that require fast heat-up times, plastic injection moulding, dies, patterns & moulds, liquids & gases heating, hot stamping, plastic processing equipment, footwear & shoe making machines, labelling & lamination, food processing machineries, hot runner systems, and other processes where localized high temperatures are needed.
  • Low-Density Cartridge Heaters: These heaters are designed to provide uniform heat distribution over a larger surface area. They are tubular in shape & are quite compact. Such heaters are suitable for applications where a more distributed & moderate level of heating is required. The lower watt density prevents localized hotspots, making them ideal for heating sensitive materials or situations where precise and uniform heating is essential. Common features of these heaters are mentioned underneath:
    • Watt density: Lower wattage per square inch (usually lesser than high-density heaters).
    • Construction: Typically made with a coiled wire element inside a metal sheath, surrounded by insulating material like magnesium oxide (MgO).
    • Features: These heaters have longer shelf life and also have high efficiency. They provide uniform surface temperature.
    • Uses: They are often used in applications like plastic moulding, food processing equipment, packaging equipment, injection moulding, extrusion machines, shoes & footwear manufacturing, medical equipment & accessories, rubber sealings, dies & patterns, fastening turbine bolts, and maintaining consistent temperature in industrial processes.
  • Split-Type Cartridge Heaters: These heaters are designed with a split or “open” construction. They have a unique design which allows them to expand slightly when heated. This design enables them to be inserted into holes or around cylindrical objects with a slightly larger diameter, making installation and removal easier. Their common features include the following:
    • Design: These heaters have a split or “open” construction, which allows for a degree of flexibility when fitting them into a hole or around objects.
    • Construction: They typically have a coiled wire element that is more accessible to expand & contract within the metal sheath.
    • Features: They provide very good heat transfer. These could be inserted & removed easily. They also have longer lives. They offer uniform transfer of heat.
    • Uses: These heaters are used in applications where the heating element needs to be easily inserted & removed, such as in moulding processes, plastic processing and packaging machinery, injection & blow moulding, extruders, foundries, fastening of turbine bolts, soldering pots, packaging equipment, and heat-sealing applications.

Choosing the Best Cartridge Heater Manufacturer

These days, the demand for cartridge heaters in various industrial applications is rising with each passing day. While choosing a cartridge heater manufacturer, it is essential to consider factors such as their experience in the industry, product quality, certifications, customer reviews, and after-sales support. Before making any decisions, it is best to research & compare multiple manufacturers to find the one that best suits your needs and budget. 

You Can Trust Heatcon! 

Heatcon happens to be a reputable manufacturer that provides custom solutions to meet your specific heating requirements and offers technical assistance whenever required. Heatcon Sensors happens to be a leading organization that is fully engaged in the manufacturing & supplying of a vast array of industrial heaters. Their products are vastly appreciated in the entire marketplace. Their products are known for their durability, high performance as well as easy installation features. For the most ideal cartridge heaters, you can contact Heatcon, which happens to be a worthy manufacturer & supplier of such types of different cartridge heaters that are available in both, low density & high-density options. The responding time of cartridge heaters (high-density) is pretty fast. These are utilised in different industrial applications like printing, packing, plastic, automobile, food processing, footwear & shoe industries etc.

Heatcon manufacturer & supplier also provides the split-type heater that is specifically developed for high temperature applications. Utilising MgO powder insulation, it assures to bring faster heat transfer & higher electric strength. This also provides more wattage in smaller sizes. Heatcon continues to surpass the benchmarked standards of quality, customer satisfaction, & timely delivery of products as per client demands. Thanks to their powerful expertise, big resource pool, & vast experience that is gained over the years. Heatcon happens to be positioned at an important place in the market providing viable heaters. Their staff of motivated engineers is technically sound. They also have best-in-class, latest, modern infrastructure with higher-quality inputs.



Understanding High Temperature Hot Air Heaters

Procure the Best-Quality High Temperature Hot Air Heaters from Heatcon

High temperature hot air heaters are specialized heating devices designed to generate & deliver hot air at elevated temperatures for various industrial applications. 

About High Temperature Hot Air Heaters

  • Construction & Heating Elements: These heaters are typically constructed using high-quality materials that can withstand extreme temperatures. The heating elements used are often made of materials such as stainless steel, ceramic, or quartz to ensure excellent heat resistance & durability.
  • Temperature Control: These heaters offer precise temperature control to maintain the desired temperature range. Advanced temperature control systems, such as PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controllers, thermocouples, or RTDs (Resistance-Temperature-Detectors), are commonly used to achieve accurate & stable temperature control.
  • Safety Features: These heaters are equipped with various safety features to protect the equipment & operators. These may include over-temperature protection, short-circuit protection, current overload protection, and safety interlocks to ensure safe operation.
  • Power Control: Thyristor power packs or solid-state relays are often used in these heaters for efficient and precise power control. These devices enable smooth and step-less control of the heating elements, ensuring accurate temperature adjustments.
  • Air Flow Control: To optimize the heating process and meet specific application requirements, these heaters may include options for controlling the air flow rate. This can be achieved through adjustable blowers, dampers, or flow control valves, allowing users to regulate the volume and velocity of the hot air.
  • Versatility: Such heaters tend to be versatile and can be customized to suit different industrial applications. They can either be integrated into existing systems, which is one way of application, or they can also be designed to work as standalone units, which is another way of their application. Additionally, they can be used in conjunction with other equipment such as chambers, ovens, or process lines.
  • Energy Efficiency: Most manufacturers strive to design such heaters that are energy-efficient to minimize operating costs. This may include insulation & heat recovery features that help retain and recycle the heat within the system, reducing energy consumption.
  • Integration & Automation: These heaters can be integrated into larger control systems and automated processes, allowing for seamless operation and integration with other equipment. They can be controlled remotely through programmable logic controllers (PLCs) or other automation systems.
  • Maintenance & Service: Manufacturers often provide maintenance guidelines and service support to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of the heaters. Regular inspections, cleaning, and preventive maintenance are recommended to keep the heaters in good working condition.

Procure the Best-Quality High Temperature Hot Air Heaters from Heatcon

You can procure first-rate high temperature hot air heaters from Heatcon Sensors. Considering your specific requirements, you can also consult with their team to select such a product that best suits your application needs. The team can provide detailed specifications, technical support, and guidance in choosing the right heater for your specific industry & process.



Unleashing the Power of Bolt Heaters in Industrial Heating Applications

Top Process Heaters: Enhancing Industrial Operations

Industrial Process Heaters: Meeting Diverse Needs

Flexible Heaters: Adaptability & Efficiency

Features & Benefits of Heatcon Sensors Bolt Heaters

Applications of Heatcon Sensors Bolt Heaters


In the vast landscape of industrial heating applications, one crucial component stands out for its exceptional performance & versatility, and that is the bolt heater. This innovative device plays a pivotal role in various industries, offering efficient & reliable heat transfer capabilities. 

Unveiling the Versatility of Bolt Heaters

These heaters are specialized heating devices designed to provide controlled and uniform heat to bolts, flanges, and other components in industrial settings. Their primary purpose is to assist in the installation, removal, or maintenance of large bolts & fasteners, which often require heat to expand or contract for proper operation. They are widely used in industries such as oil & gas, power generation, petrochemical, and manufacturing. Let us explore the applications, key features & functions of bolt heaters

  • Heat Transfer Efficiency: These are engineered to provide rapid & uniform heat distribution, ensuring efficient heat transfer to the desired components. This facilitates seamless installation, disassembly, and maintenance procedures.
  • Temperature Control: These heaters offer precise temperature control mechanisms, allowing operators to set & maintain the desired heat levels. This feature is vital in ensuring the safety & integrity of the components being heated.
  • Portable & Compact Design: These are designed to be portable & compact, enabling easy handling & transportation across various worksites. They are often equipped with handles or other ergonomic features to enhance usability.
  • Safety Features: Recognizing the importance of safety in industrial environments, bolt heaters are equipped with safety features such as temperature sensors, automatic shut-off systems, and protective enclosures. These precautions minimize the risk of accidents or damage caused by overheating.


Top Process Heaters: Enhancing Industrial Operations

  • Immersion Heaters: These heaters are immersed directly into liquids or gases, heating them through direct contact. Immersion heaters are widely used in applications such as water heating, oil heating, and process heating in industries like chemical processing & food production.
  • Circulation Heaters: These heaters facilitate the heating of fluids by circulating them through a heating element. Circulation heaters find extensive use in applications involving heat transfer fluids, thermal oils, and process heating in industries such as pharmaceuticals and refineries.
  • Infrared Heaters: Utilizing electromagnetic radiation, infrared heaters emit heat directly onto the targeted objects or surfaces. They are highly efficient in applications requiring quick & focused heating, such as drying processes, printing, and paint curing.

Industrial Process Heaters: Meeting Diverse Needs

  • Band Heaters: These are cylindrical heaters wrapped around pipes, barrels, or other cylindrical objects to provide uniform heat. Band heaters are commonly used in plastic moulding, extrusion, and heating of drums or containers.
  • Air Heaters: Designed to heat ambient air, these heaters are used in various industrial processes, including drying, space heating, and air circulation systems. Air heaters can be electric, gas-powered, or fuelled by other energy sources.
  • Process Furnaces: These high-temperature heating systems are used in industries requiring extreme heat for processes such as smelting, forging, or heat treatment. Process furnaces are commonly found in metalworking, glass manufacturing, and chemical production.

Flexible Heaters: Adaptability & Efficiency

Flexible heaters are versatile heating devices designed to conform to irregular shapes or surfaces. They offer excellent heat transfer capabilities and are commonly used in applications such as freeze protection, food processing, medical equipment, and automotive industries. Flexible heaters are composed of materials like silicone rubber, polyimide film, or Kapton, making them resistant to moisture, chemicals, and mechanical stress.

Heatcon Has Your Requirement Sorted!

In the realm of industrial heating, bolt heaters stand out as essential tools for numerous applications, providing efficient & controlled heat transfer to bolts and other components. Alongside bolt heaters, a diverse range of process heaters & flexible heaters cater to the unique needs of different industries. Whether it is the immersion heaters, circulation heaters, or the flexible heaters, these devices play crucial roles in enhancing productivity, improving safety, and optimizing processes across various industrial sectors. Heatcon Sensors is a renowned provider of bolt heaters, offering reliable & high-quality heating solutions for industrial applications. Their bolt heaters are designed to meet the specific needs of industries that require controlled and efficient heat transfer to bolts, flanges, and other components. Heatcon Sensors’ bolt heaters are known for their exceptional performance, advanced features, and safety measures, making them a trusted choice in the industry.

Features & Benefits of Heatcon Sensors Bolt Heaters

  • Precision Heating: Heatcon Sensors’ bolt heaters are engineered to provide precise & uniform heat distribution, ensuring efficient & controlled heating of bolts and related components. This precision is crucial for achieving accurate thermal expansion or contraction required for various industrial processes.
  • Temperature Control & Monitoring: The bolt heaters come equipped with advanced temperature control mechanisms, allowing operators to set and maintain the desired temperature range. Additionally, temperature monitoring features ensure that the components are heated within safe limits, preventing overheating or damage.
  • Rapid Heat Transfer: The design of Heatcon’s bolt heaters enables fast & efficient heat transfer, reducing downtime and increasing productivity in industrial operations. The heaters efficiently heat up the targeted components, enabling swift installation, removal, or maintenance processes.
  • Safety Features: Safety is a top priority in industrial settings, and Heatcon Sensors’ bolt heaters are built with such safety features to mitigate any potential risks. These may include temperature sensors, automatic shut-off mechanisms, and protective enclosures to prevent accidents and protect both operators & equipment.
  • Portable & User-Friendly Design: Their bolt heaters are designed to be portable & user-friendly. They are lightweight & compact, allowing for easy handling & transportation across different work environments. The heaters often incorporate ergonomic features like handles or grips for enhanced usability.
  • Durability & Reliability: Heatcon ensures that their bolt heaters are built to withstand challenging industrial conditions. They utilize robust materials and manufacturing processes to create durable heaters capable of withstanding high temperatures, corrosive environments, and mechanical stress.


Applications of Heatcon Sensors Bolt Heaters

Heatcon Sensors’ bolt heaters find applications in various industries, including:

  • Oil & Gas: Bolt heaters are used in oil refineries, pipelines, and offshore platforms to facilitate the installation, maintenance, and disassembly of bolts and flanges in critical equipment such as valves, pumps, and heat exchangers.
  • Power Generation: Bolt heaters are employed in power plants, including thermal and nuclear facilities, where bolts need controlled heating during installation, repairs, or maintenance of turbines, generators, and boilers.
  • Petrochemical: These heaters play a crucial role in the petrochemical industry, ensuring the safe and efficient operation of equipment such as reactors, distillation columns, and storage tanks by providing the necessary heat during assembly or disassembly.
  • Manufacturing: In manufacturing processes involving heavy machinery, bolt heaters have been in use for controlled heating of bolts, facilitating equipment assembly, disassembly, or maintenance in sectors like automotive, aerospace, and heavy equipment manufacturing.

Heatcon Sensors offers a range of bolt heaters that provide efficient, controlled, and safe heat transfer to bolts and related components in industrial applications. With precision heating, temperature control mechanisms, and rapid heat transfer capabilities, these bolt heaters enhance productivity & safety across various industries such as oil & gas, power generation, petrochemicals, and manufacturing. Heatcon Sensors‘ commitment to quality & reliability makes them a trusted provider of bolt heaters for industrial heating needs.



Cartridge Heaters

How Do Cartridge Heaters Work?

Operating Temperatures of Cartridge Heaters

What Is a Cartridge Heater Utilised for?

Temperature Sensors & Temperature Controllers for Cartridge Heaters

How to Choose the Right Cartridge Heater?

Some FAQs about Cartridge Heaters

What Are Cartridge Heaters?

Cartridge heaters are tube-shaped types of electric heating elements that could possibly be inserted into drilled holes. These happen to be cylindrical in shape and are commonly used for heating applications. It consist of metal sheaths (usually stainless steel) that encloses a heating coil made of a high-resistance wire, such as nichrome. They tend to give quite localized & very precise heating. These are usually utilized in the heating processes in various industries. The heating coil is wound tightly around a ceramic or magnesium oxide core, which provides electrical insulation and efficient heat transfer. Normally, a cartridge heater tends to be utilised for heating metal blocks from inside. Also, these could be customised to specific watt densities that are based upon the needs of the applications. These heaters are quite often used to heat metal parts by making insertions into drilled holes. For speedy & simple installations, these heaters tend to be made somewhat undersized as compared to their usual diameters.

How Do Cartridge Heaters Work?

These heaters work based on the principle of electrical resistance heating. When an electric current is passed through the heating coil, it generates heat due to the resistance offered by the wire. This heat then gets transported to the containing environment via conduction. Cartridge heaters contain resistive coils wound around by ceramic cores, which are further surrounded by dielectrics that are encased inside metal sheaths. Electrically powered heat transferred through the coils to sheaths tend to cause the sheaths to get heated up. This heat is further transmitted to the metal part that needs to be heated. General purpose drills are generally suitable for drilling holes for installing cartridge heaters in low-to-medium temperature applications (600-degree F or lesser than than). Holes could be drilled 0.003″ to 0.008″ over the supposed size of the drill, yielding 0.009″ to 0.04.” Although this particular fit is a little looser than would allow for optimum transfer of heat, it does help while installing & removing these  heaters, specifically those with longer sheaths. For high power, density is much more significant. Holes must be drilled & countersunk, not simply drilled with a general-purpose bit. All thanks to the tighter fit, the heaters run cooler and have a longer service shelf life.

Operating Temperatures of Cartridge Heaters

The operating temperature of a cartridge heater can vary depending on its design and intended application. However, they are typically capable of reaching temperatures ranging from around 200°C (392°F) up to 1000°C (1832°F) or even higher, depending on the specific design and construction. A cartridge heater could possibly operate at low watt densities, medium watt densities, & even at high watt densities. These have been designed in such a way that they can withstand working temperatures of even up to as large as 1400°F. But the optimum operating temperatures would largely depend upon the kind of application it is being used for. You must also understand that there are several other factors too, which could possibly affect the actual temperatures of industrial heaters & the monitored temperatures of materials during such heating cycles; these factors include watt densities of the cartridge heaters, their tightness inside holes, & thermal conductivity of the said material that is being heated. For applications that involve high temperatures, like the ones above 1000°F, sheathes of incoloy material are usually advisable for max heat transfer & fine durability. It’s even significant if you consider electrical termination of cartridges as per the operating temperatures. When the cartridge heaters are utilised at fairly high temperatures, the electric terminals must be either different than the common lead wires of high temperatures or these cartridges must be designed in such a way that the temperatures surrounding the lead wires are well-maintained at much lower temperatures than the limits of the temperatures of those particular lead wires.

What Is a Cartridge Heater Utilised for?

Cartridge heaters find applications in various industries & processes where localized heating is required. Some common uses include the following:

  • Plastic injection moulding: Cartridge heaters are often used to heat the nozzles or the hot runner systems of injection moulding machines.
  • Packaging and sealing equipment: They are used for heat sealing applications in packaging machines, such as sealing plastic bags or containers.
  • Hot stamping: Cartridge heaters provide the necessary heat for hot stamping machines used in marking or branding processes.
  • Food processing: Cartridge heaters can be used in ovens, cooking equipment, or other food processing applications where localized heating is needed.
  • Heating gases & liquids: Cartridge heaters can be used to heat liquids or gases by immersing them directly into the medium or through indirect heating methods like heat transfer through pipes or vessels.
  • Other uses: Cartridge heaters are often used in hot runner moulds, semiconductors, medical equipment, laminating presses, scientific equipment etc. 

Temperature Sensors & Temperature Controllers for Cartridge Heaters

To control the temperature of cartridge heaters, temperature controllers are utilized. Temperature controllers are devices that monitor & regulate the temperature of the heating element. They typically include a temperature sensor, a control mechanism, and an output to adjust the power supplied to the cartridge heater. Temperature sensors for cartridge heaters are commonly either thermocouples or resistance temperature detectors (RTDs). Thermocouples are made of two different metals joined together, which produce a voltage proportional to the temperature difference. RTDs, on the other hand, use the principle of the change in electrical resistance of a metal with temperature. Both types of sensors provide temperature feedback to the temperature controller. The temperature controller receives input from the temperature sensor and compares it to the desired set temperature. Based on this comparison, the controller adjusts the power supplied to the cartridge heater to achieve and maintain the desired temperature. This is usually done using a feedback control loop that continuously monitors and adjusts the power output.

How to Choose the Right Cartridge Heater?

Choosing the right cartridge heater requires considering several factors to ensure it meets your specific requirements. Here are some key considerations when selecting a cartridge heater:

  • Operating temperature: Determine the maximum temperature required for your application. Cartridge heaters come in various temperature ratings, so select one that can withstand the desired operating temperature without compromising performance or safety.
  • Wattage & voltage: Determine the power requirements of your application, including the wattage and voltage. Ensure the cartridge heater you choose matches these requirements to provide the necessary heating power.
  • Size & shape: Consider the dimensions and shape of the cartridge heater. It should fit properly into the intended heating location or equipment. Consider the length, diameter, and any specific shape requirements to ensure a proper fit.
  • Material & sheath: Choose the appropriate sheath material based on the environment and application conditions. Stainless steel is commonly used for its durability, corrosion resistance, and ability to handle high temperatures. However, other materials like Incoloy or titanium may be suitable for specific applications.
  • Lead wire options: Cartridge heaters typically have lead wires for electrical connection. Determine the length, type (such as fiberglass insulated or silicone insulated), and connection options (such as leads with connectors or bare leads) that best suit your application.
  • Mounting options: Consider how the cartridge heater will be mounted or installed. Different heaters may have specific mounting options such as threaded fittings, flanges, or other custom options. Ensure the mounting method aligns with your requirements.
  • Special features: Depending on your application, you may need additional features such as built-in temperature sensors (thermocouples or RTDs) for precise temperature control or specific insulation options for electrical safety.
  • Application requirements: Consider any additional requirements specific to your application, such as compatibility with certain chemicals, moisture resistance, or resistance to vibrations or shocks.

Some FAQs about Cartridge Heaters

These FAQs provide a general understanding of cartridge heaters and address some common questions. However, specific details and requirements may vary depending on the intended application.

  • What is the maximum operating temperature of a cartridge heater? The maximum operating temperature of a cartridge heater can vary depending on its design and construction. It typically ranges from around 200°C (392°F) up to 1000°C (1832°F) or higher, depending on the specific model and materials used.
  • Can cartridge heaters be used in wet or corrosive environments? Cartridge heaters can be designed to withstand wet or corrosive environments by using appropriate materials for the sheath and insulation. It’s essential to select cartridge heaters specifically designed for such conditions.
  • What are the standard sizes of cartridge heaters available? Cartridge heaters come in various standard sizes. Common diameters range from 6mm (0.24 inches) to 20mm (0.79 inches) or larger, and lengths can vary from a few centimetres to several tens of centimetres.
  • Can cartridge heaters be customized for specific applications? Yes, cartridge heaters can be customized to suit specific applications. Customization options may include different sheath materials, shapes, wattages, voltages, lead wire configurations, built-in sensors, mounting options, and more.
  • What is the typical power rating of a cartridge heater? The power rating of a cartridge heater can vary depending on its size and intended application. Common power ratings range from a few watts to several kilowatts.
  • How are cartridge heaters installed? Cartridge heaters are typically inserted into a hole or a cavity in the equipment or component that requires heating. The hole is sized to match the diameter of the cartridge heater, ensuring a snug fit.
  • Can cartridge heaters be used for heating liquids or gases? Yes, cartridge heaters can be used to heat liquids or gases by immersing them directly into the medium or through indirect heating methods like heat transfer through pipes or vessels.
  • Are temperature controllers necessary for cartridge heaters? Temperature controllers are recommended for precise temperature control and safety. They allow you to monitor and regulate the temperature of the cartridge heater to maintain the desired set point.
  • What is the typical lifespan of a cartridge heater? The lifespans of cartridge heaters could possibly vary as per different factors including operating temperatures, duty cycles, & environmental conditions. With proper usage and maintenance, cartridge heaters can typically last for thousands of hours of operation.
  • Can cartridge heaters be replaced or repaired? In most cases, cartridge heaters can be replaced if they become faulty or damaged. Repairing them may not be practical due to their compact design, but replacement is usually straightforward.

Buy Cartridge Heaters in India from Heatcon Sensors

Overall, cartridge heaters, along with temperature controllers & sensors, provide versatile heating solutions for a vast range of industrial applications, which need localized & controlled heating. By evaluating the factors and clearly defining your application requirements, you can select the right cartridge heater that meets your specific needs for temperature, power, size, and compatibility. Consulting with Heatcon, which is a trusted supplier or manufacturer, can help you gather valuable guidance in choosing the most suitable cartridge heater for your application. Heatcon Sensors happens to be a leading name in this domain. If you are looking to buy a cartridge heater, then you know where to go! Yeah! This is the place to be! Heatcon could be your most appropriate go-to destination for making such a purchase. They have brilliant cartridge heaters catering to many industrial applications. Heatcon is a one-stop-shop for all your needs related to such heating requirements. Whichever industry you might be working in, they will have a suitable model of a cartridge heater for your particular need! Heatcon Happens to be a reliable manufacturer with a good reputation for producing quality cartridge heaters. They provide good customer support. They give warranty on their products. Technical assistance is also available, if needed.



Get to Know Cartridge Heater Working Principle

Cartridge Heater Working Principle

How Do Cartridge Heaters Operate?

Operating Temperatures of Cartridge Heaters

Uses of Cartridge Heaters

Temperature Controllers & Sensors for Cartridge Heaters

Cartridge Heater Working Principle

A cartridge heater is a device that is used to heat a large variety of materials and objects. It is an efficient, self-contained electrical heating element that works on a simple working principle. The heater consists of a tubular metal sheath with resistance wire wound around a ceramic core, with insulating material filling the spaces between the core and the sheath. It operates by allowing an electrical current to pass through the resistance wire, which in turn generates heat. This heat is then transferred to the working materials or objects.

How Do Cartridge Heaters Operate?

Cartridge heaters are an ideal solution for application requiring a concentrated heat source. They are designed for tight spaces, and are available in a variety of sizes, wattages, and voltages. Cartridge heater working principle is simple; the cartridge heats up when electric current is applied, and the heat dissipates into the surrounding environment. 

Operating Temperatures of Cartridge Heaters

The operating temperatures of a cartridge heater depend on the design, the type & wattage of the cartridge and the materials that it is made from, but usually they are designed in such a way that they can possibly withstand working temperatures of even up to 1400 degree Fahrenheit.

Uses of Cartridge Heaters

Cartridge heaters are used in a wide range of applications, including medical equipment, food processing, and chemical manufacturing. They are also used in the automotive and aerospace industries for sealing, soldering, and heat treating. Cartridge heaters are also used for many applications including shrink-fitting, plastic extrusion, and food processing.   Some of their most common uses include heat sealing and melting plastic materials, heating up molds for injection molding and forming, hot-air welding of plastics, and soldering of electronic components. Mentioned underneath are some of the typical examples of the specific applications of cartridge heaters:

  • Hot stamping
  • Heating gasses 
  • Heating liquids
  • Hot runner molds
  • Laminating press
  • Medical equipments
  • Semiconductors
  • Plastic moldings
  • Scientific equipments

Temperature Controllers & Sensors for Cartridge Heaters

To ensure safe operation, temperature controllers and sensors must be used to monitor the Cartridge Heater’s temperature. Also, for best results, it is important to use the right temperature controller and sensors when working with them. The temperature controller helps to ensure that the cartridge heater reaches the desired temperature, while the sensors monitor the temperature and provide feedback to the controller. With their ability to provide accurate, reliable, and cost-effective heating, cartridge heaters are an essential part of many industrial processes. By making use of the right temperature controller and sensors, they can help to ensure that your processes are operated at the optimal temperature and with the highest degree of safety and efficiency.

Heatcon Sensors 

If you are searching for the best range of products in this regard, then there’s a company which you can bank upon, and that is Heatcon Sensors; we are known to provide high-quality products that have high-end applications.

A Potent Cartridge Heaters Manufacturer

Application Areas



Termination Options

Hot-Rod cartridge heater has been designed in such a way that it provides totally uniform heating as well as great heat transfer rates across the entire heating surface. With individually adjustable heating zones, different process requirements could possibly be achieved, including heating that is zone-specific as well as distributed power demand with precise & uniform temperature. Such a heater is built with as little space as possible between the sheath and heating element for keeping the internal temperature low, resulting in smaller heaters that operate at higher power.

Application Areas

  • Metal die molding 
  • Control over humidity 
  • Semiconductor room heating 
  • Semiconductor’s wire & die bonding
  • High-temp glass-forming equipment
  • Seal bars that are being utilized in the packing material 
  • Heating  (as per patient’s comfort) in medical equipment 
  • Frost protection & melting of equipments in cold climate or cold application


  • Material of the Sheath: stainless steel, INCOLOY 
  • Operating Temp: Up to 760 degree Celsius 
  • Watt Density: Up to 400 W/in2 
  • Voltage: Up to 480V AC 
  • Tolerance of the Sheath’s Length: ±3%
  • Wattage Tolerance +5%, -10%
  • Resistance Tolerance: +10%, -5%
  • Termination Style
    • Swaged in the wires or leads
    • Pressed on wires
    • Right angle wires
    • Stainless steel braided 
    • Teflon Cable
    • Fiberglass Cables


  • High temp lead wires for temperatures ranging up to 550 degree Celsius 
  • High in efficiency ceramic caps slows down contamination, and also it is greatly suitable for applications, which are high in vibration. Deep holes inside the cap helps to prevent these leads from unfolding when bent. 
  • Nickel-chromium resistant lead or wire ensures longer service life, uniform twist and uniform heat distribution. 
  • Magnesium oxide filler that is high in purity is chosen for maximum dielectric strength as well as thermal conductivity; also it is quite compact for maximum transfer of heat. 
  • Stainless steel sheath or Inconel coating used for the purpose of oxidation & corrosion resistance in many different environments. 
  • Tig-welded end plate for preventing contamination due to dirt & absorption of moisture

Termination Options

  • Ceramic Beads: When the temperature at the heater outlet goes beyond 590 degree Celsius, the ceramic beads tend to protect the lead or wire until normal insulation could possibly be utilized. 
  • Flexible Copper Elbow SS Pipe: The right-angled flexible pipe or conduit could possibly be fixed with a copper elbow. Such methodology could also be utilized for connecting right-angled flexible pipe or conduit to the stock heaters. 
  • Crimped Wires: Crimped wires or leads are usually utilized when the temperatures at the end of the heaters exceed the maximum-allowed limit of the lead wire’s temperature. 
  • Right-Angled Cables: Right-angled cables or leads tend to be the most ideal ones for tight spaces. These leads or wires have been covered with silicone-impregnated fiberglass sleeves wherein they tend to exit the heater. 
  • Right-Angled SS Flexible Pipe: This provides similar advantages as those with stainless steel flexible conduits, however, with the right-angled arrangement tends to allow this to be utilized in tight confined spaces. 
  • Sleeve: Silicone rubber fiberglass sleeve & fiberglass sleeve.
  • Flexible SS Tube: The flexible tube or conduit tends to protect the wire from friction, but can’t bend as sharply as stainless steel’s braid. The flexible ducts are also recessed, offering a similar kind of benefit of not being pulled outside of the heater.

Heatcon Sensors 

If you are looking for a worthy Cartridge Heaters Manufacturer, then look no further than Heatcon, which happens to be a great company providing amazing products in this regard.

Bobbin Heaters

What are Bobbin Heaters & Their Key Features!

Top 5 Benefits of Bobbin Heaters

Benefits and Applications of Bobbin Heaters!

Heatcon Sensors – The Largest Manufacturer of High-Quality Bobbin Heaters!


What Are Bobbin Heaters?

Bobbin heaters are heating elements that are used in large industrial units in processes where direct and indirect heating is required. They are made of a cylindrical shape and are made of high-quality materials that can withstand high temperatures. Bobbin heaters have a high heating efficiency and are very durable. Such heaters are used for directly heating the air mixtures whilst they can be used for indirectly heating the liquids. These heaters are installed in a small pocket that is inside the processing tank but can be accessed from outside for easy replacement without having the need to empty the entire contents of the processing tank. These heaters are highly efficient in terms of energy consumption as the solution comes in direct contact of the element. 

Top 5 Benefits of Bobbin Heaters 

If you’re looking for a versatile and reliable heating element, then a bobbin heater is a great option. Here are five benefits of bobbin heaters:

  1. Versatile Design – Bobbin heaters can be used in a wide range of applications, from small electronic devices to large industrial machines. They come in various specifications and sizes to meet the exact heating requirements of the process. 
  2. Reliable – Bobbin heaters are made with high-quality materials that ensure long-lasting performance. The sheathing material comes in different ranges including copper, nickel plated mild steel, nickel plated copper, and stainless steel. 
  3. Fast & Uniform Heating – Bobbin heaters can reach high temperatures quickly, making them ideal for applications that require fast heating and they are immersive type heaters to spread heat uniformly over the mixtures. 
  4. Pinpoint Heating – Bobbin heaters offer precise temperature control so that you can always get the exact level of heat that your application needs.
  5. Absolutely Safe – Bobbin heaters are designed to ensure complete peace of mind and are absolutely safe to use even at high temperatures. They are usually made to offer horizontal mounting, but can be easily customized for vertical mounting as well. 

Benefits and Applications of Bobbin Heaters!

  • They are best utilized to heat the mixtures from low temperatures up to a maximum of 600 0C.  
  • They are excellent heaters for heating both water and liquid chemicals.
  • They can also be used to heat semisolid items such as oil, bitumen, wax, etc. 
  • They can be best suited to heat liquids and gasses as such heaters are pocket-fitted or protected with protection tubing inside the processing tank.
  • They can be easily used for applications where you don’t need the entire liquid drained from the processing tank allowing for easy replacement of the heating element.  

Heatcon Sensors – The Largest Manufacturer of High-Quality Bobbin Heaters!

If you wish to have more information about bobbin heaters for your application, you can contact the experts at Heatcon Sensors who are the largest manufacturers of diverse, high-quality commercial Bobbin Heaters.

In today’s modern world, there is a need for accurate temperature measurements in a variety of industries. From food and beverage processing to molten metal production, precise temperature control is essential. Bobbin heaters, hygrometers, and thermocouples are all important tools for temperature measurement and control. Bobbin heaters are used to heat up cylindrical objects, such as pipes or rods. They are often used in applications where precise temperature control is required, such as in food processing. Hygrometers are used to measure the moisture content in the air. They are commonly used in weather stations and greenhouses. Thermocouples are devices that measure temperature by measuring the voltage between two conductors. They are used in a wide variety of applications, from industrial furnaces to medical devices. There are two main types of thermocouples: noble metal and molten metal. Noble metal thermocouples are made of two different metals, such as copper and nickel. They are used in applications where high temperatures are involved, such as in the steel industry. Molten metal thermocouples are made of a single metal, such as iron. They are used in applications where the temperature is not as high, such as in the food industry. Heatcon sensors are used in a variety of industries to measure temperature.



Tubular Heaters

Top 5 Benefits of Using High-Quality Tubular Heaters

Different Variety of Metal Sheaths Are Used to Manufacture Tubular Heaters Based on Type and Size of The Industrial Application! 

Heatcon Sensors – A Trusted Name in Manufacturing High Quality Tubular Heaters!


What are Tubular Heaters?

Tubular heaters are a type of resistance heater. They are made up of a metal tube that is coiled or wound into a spiral. The metal tube is then filled with a resistive material, such as Nichrome or Kanthal. The resistive material heats up when electric current is passed through it. This resistance to the flow of electricity generates heat. Use of tubular heaters is a very efficient and reliable way to generate greater amounts of heat. Such heaters are especially designed for use in industrial units and large volume appliances. They are durable and can withstand high temperatures. They are also easy to control and can be turned on and off as needed. Tubular heaters are available in a variety of shapes and sizes. The size and shape of the heater can be customized easily depending upon the industrial application it is going to be used for. 

Tubular heaters are used in a variety of applications, such as air heating, gas heating, and liquid/chemical heating processes. They are particularly well suited for industrial applications where high temperatures are needed, such as in large industrial furnaces. Tubular heaters can also be used in lower temperature applications, such as in food warmers and hair dryers. 

Different Variety of Metal Sheaths Are Used to Manufacture Tubular Heaters Based on Type and Size of The Industrial Application! 

Tubular heater’s sheath is made of metal. Metal sheaths are the most common type of sheath used in tubular heaters. They are typically made from stainless steel, Inconel, or titanium. Metal sheaths are effective at conducting heat and are also very durable.

Heatcon Sensors – A Trusted Name in Manufacturing High Quality Tubular Heaters!

Heatcon Sensors is a leading manufacturer of high-quality tubular heaters that offer many benefits. Some of the key benefits of using Heatcon’s tubular heaters include:

1.Efficiency – Tubular heaters are extremely efficient at heating larger volume operating units. They use less energy than other types of heaters, so you’ll save money on your energy bills.

2. Uniform Heat Distribution – Heatcon Sensors tubular heaters are very popular because of their characteristic even heat distribution. Thus, you need not to worry about hot and cold spots in your application.

3. Durability – Heatcon Sensors tubular heaters are built to last. They are made of high-quality materials that can withstand years of use and can easily withstand high temperatures.

4.  Safety – Heatcon’s tubular heaters are absolutely safe and are well designed to prevent any kind of accidental fires or electrical shocks.

5.  Easy to Install – Heatcon Sensors’ tubular heaters are very easy to install and are easy to operate. 

So, if you too are looking for an efficient and the most economical way to run your industrial application on the best quality tubular heaters, try contacting the experts at Heatcon Sensors who can surely help you in making the best possible selection, or customizing a tubular heater to suit your business’ application best.

Looking for high-quality tubular heaters? Look no further than Heatcon Sensors! We manufacture some of the best bobbin heaters, hot air blowers, and hygrometers in the business. Top 5 benefits of using high-quality tubular heaters manufactured by Heatcon Sensors include reliability, accuracy, supreme quality, durability and perfection! If you’re looking for a reliable and accurate way to measure temperature, Heatcon Sensors is the way to go!If you’re looking for high-quality and durable sensors for your industrial or commercial applications, you can’t go wrong with Heatcon Sensors. We offer a wide range of products including Bobbin Heaters, Hygrometers, Thermocouple Connectors, and MI Thermocouples. Plus, our thermocouple connectors are the best in the industry. With many years of experience, we are confident that we can provide you with the best sensor solution for your needs.There are two main types of thermocouple connectors: male and female. Male connectors are used to connect thermocouples to female connectors. Female connectors are used to connect thermocouples to male connectors.



Top 7 Factors To Consider While Choosing The Right Type Of Chemical Immersion Heater For Your Application!

How You Should Use Chemical Immersion Heaters For Your Industrial Applications?

The Most Common Type of Immersion Heaters Available for Industrial Use!

Top 7 Factors To Consider While Choosing The Right Type Of Chemical Immersion Heater For Your Application!


What Are Chemical Immersion Heaters?

Chemical immersion heaters are devices that are used to heat liquids. Generally such chemical immersion heaters are made of corrosion resistant materials such as stainless steel. Typically they have a heating element that is immersed in the liquid to be heated. The heaters are often used in industrial and commercial applications, such as in chemical processing plants.

How You Should Use Chemical Immersion Heaters For Your Industrial Applications?

In order to properly use them, it is important to understand how the chemical immersion heaters work and what precautions need to be taken. Immersion heaters work by heating a fluid directly. This can be done by either circulating the fluid through the heater or by immersing the heater in the fluid. Either way, the fluid must be in contact with the heating element in order to be heated.

The Most Common Type of Immersion Heaters Available for Industrial Use!

There are many different types of immersion heaters available, each with its own merits and demerits. The type of heater you use will depend on the specific application. Some of the most common types of immersion heaters include:

  • Element Heaters: Element heaters are the most basic type of immersion heater. They consist of a heating element that is submerged in the fluid. The element is usually made of metal, such as stainless steel.
  • Coil Heaters: Coil heaters are similar to element heaters, but they have a coil of tubing instead of a single element. This allows for better heat transfer and more efficient heating.
  • Tube Heaters: Tube heaters are the most efficient type of immersion heater. They consist of a tube that is submerged in the fluid. The tube is usually made of stainless steel or another type of metal.

When using immersion heaters, it is important to take precautions to prevent accidents. The most common type of accident is overheating, which can cause fires or explosions. It is also important to make sure that the fluid being heated is compatible with the heater. Some fluids, such as water, can damage the heating element.

Top 7 Factors To Consider While Choosing The Right Type Of Chemical Immersion Heater For Your Application!

When it comes to finding the right type of chemical immersion heater for your application, there are a few key factors to keep in mind. Here is the list of top 7 factors that you should consider:

  1. The Type of Fluid Being Heated: This is the most important factor to consider when choosing a chemical immersion heater. Different fluids have different heating requirements, so it’s important to select a heater that is specifically designed for the fluid you’re using.
  2. The Temperature You Need To Achieve: Make sure to select a heater that can reach the desired temperature for your application.
  3. The Size And Shape Of The Heater: The size and shape of the heater will be determined by the size and shape of the container in which it will be used. Make sure to select a heater that fits the dimensions of your container.
  4. The Wattage: This is a measure of the heater’s power and will be determined by the size and type of fluid being heated. Make sure to select a heater with the appropriate wattage for your application.
  5. The Material: The material of the heater should be compatible with the fluid being heated. Make sure to check the compatibility before making your selection.
  6. The Price: Immersion heaters can vary widely in price, so it’s important to select one that fits your budget.
  7. The Warranty: To buy some kind of peace of mind regarding your investment, make sure to check the warranty of the immersion heater before making your final selection.

Keep these factors in mind when choosing a chemical immersion heater and you’ll be sure to select the right one for your application. If you are unsure about your selection, call the experts at Heatcon Sensors, a leading manufacturer of the best quality chemical immersion heaters.

Hygrometers measure the humidity in air. Thermocouples are temperature sensors that measure temperature by measuring the voltage between 2 conductors. An important part of a humidity chamber is Thermowell, which is a protective sleeve placed over the thermocouple. Heatcon Sensors offers a wide range of products including Hygrometers, Thermocouple Connectors, multipoint thermocouples and MI Thermocouples etc. When it comes to choosing the right type of chemical immersion heater for your application, there are a few key factors to keep in mind, given underneath:

  • The type of fluid being heated: This is arguably the most important factor to consider when choosing a chemical immersion heater. Different fluids have different thermal properties, and therefore require different types of heating elements.
  • The desired temperature: Knowing the desired temperature is important for both selecting the right type of heating element, as well as for sizing the heater.
  • The size of the tank: The size of the tank will dictate the size and power of the immersion heater required.
  • The presence of other elements in the tank: Other elements in the tank, such as stirring motors or agitators, can generate heat which can affect the required size and power of the immersion heater.
  • The thermal conductivity of the fluid: The thermal conductivity of the fluid being heated will affect the required size and power of the immersion heater.
  • The density of the fluid: The density of the fluid being heated will also affect the required size and power of the immersion heater.
  • The desired heating rate: The desired heating rate is important for both selecting the right type of heating element, as well as for sizing the heater.



Everything You Need To Know About The Things That Go Into The Making Of A Cartridge Heater

The making of cartridge heaters

Termination Types

No matter what the type, or use of the cartridge heaters may be, the major components are almost similar, but they are altered or changed to meet size and heat requirements. A crucial factor that the designers of cartridge heaters are the most considerate about is, watt density. Watt density is the rate of heat that gets transferred from the heater’s surface.

Watt density is a deciding factor that decides how long the cartridge heater can last. With an increase in the value of the watt density, there is a proportional increase in the temperature within the cartridge heater. This significant increase in temperature can be responsible for pushing the components of the cartridge heater to its breaking point. Operating in such circumstances can reduce the life of a cartridge heater considerably.

The making of cartridge heaters

The basic components of a cartridge heater include the cartridge heater’s sheath, its ceramic core, the lead wires, resistance wires, and the insulation. These core components are at times arranged in different ways by manufacturers in order to enhance the heating capabilities and quality of their products.

In comparison, cartridge heaters that have split sheath lack a core but do have the running wire that’s packed tight in an insulating material. Split sheath cartridge heaters are new arrivals by design and they are improvisations to existent design with intention of overcoming their flaws.


Despite ceramic being the more commonly used type of core, use of magnesium is also the norm. For cartridge heaters with a core, the core often has a resistance wire wound around it. The resistance wire is made of nickel chromium.

Heating Coil

The heating coil acts as the resistance wire for the electrical load. There are many different options available for resistance wire. The most popular and common variety is nickel chromium (NiCr), or nichrome, a type of wire that is often used in heating elements like space heaters and toasters. When speaking about the other electrical heating elements, the number of turns per inch wound around the core decides the watt density. It is heated by the current flowing through the wire, which in turn heats the sheath of the cartridge heater.


The sheath is filled with insulation to avoid the resistance wire from touching the sheath, which is often magnesium oxide (MgO). If the resistance wire is permitted to touch the sheath, it would short circuit,  ground, and melt the sheath resulting in heater failure. When the sheath is being filled with magnesium oxide, the sheath is vibrated to make sure it is tightly packed. The insulation is further tightened and packed when a cartridge heater is swagged.


The two important functions of the sheath are to transfer heat to the material that is being heated and also serve as the container for the cartridge heater elements. When inserted, the sheath is in continuous contact with the material and results in efficient transfer of heat.

Different forms of alloyed metals are utilised in producing the sheath and also include Incoloy 800 and stainless steels 316 and 304. For specific applications, the sheath is corrosion and acid resistant.


The sealing process is designed in order to seal and contain the contents of the cartridge heater. Once the MgO has been tightly packed around the core  and coil this part of the process is completed. A commonly used type of sealing material called epoxy allows the heater to pass different electrical tests to prevent shorts and ensure dielectric material performance.


There are large varieties of termination types that vary depending on the type of manufacturer and cartridge heater. With straight being the standard method, the leads could exit the cartridge heater in many different ways. In applications where the leads might be exposed to extreme heat or harmful chemicals, they are shielded with silicone or metal.

Termination Types

Lead Wire

The different types and kinds of lead wires differ based upon the conditions under which the cartridge heater would be used. The lead wire gives the electrical connection to the cartridge heater. Since the lead wire is necessary for the efficient and smooth operation of the cartridge heater, it is selected carefully in order to match the conditions and application. Fibreglass insulated wire is often used for high temperature cartridge heaters.

Anti-Seize Coating

The seizing of cartridge heaters creates multiple problems for operation efficiency and production. In case a cartridge heater seizes, it has to be removed by drilling it out of the hole if it gets stuck in the application, a process that could cause major delays.

The problem of seizing has led to the development of the split sheath cartridge heaters that help in expanding the hole in order to make contact with the material that is being heated. As the cartridge heater starts to cool, it retracts and can be removed easily.

Another way to avoid seizing is using an anti-seize coating that is applied as the cartridge heater is inserted. Anti-seizing coatings are a thermally conductive, insulating, and high temperature coating that improves heat transfer and minimises oxidation. It can be sprayed or brushed to form a thin layer that makes it easy to insert the cartridge heater into the hole.

Heatcon Sensors is an ISO 9001:2015 certified company and has been in operation for 30 years. Heatcon has received accreditation from certifying bodies like TUV SUD, DRDO CEMILAC, NSIC, and NABL. Production of heat sensing devices like Thermocouples and RTDs has been our forte! We also produce special sensors which find application in numerous industries including the ones specializing in aeronautics, railways, turbines, nuclear plants, and research labs.

 With over three decades of expertise in temperature sensor and heater manufacturing, Heatcon Sensors provides a high level of quality, accuracy, and an unbeatable commitment to customer support.

6 Uses for Cartridge Heaters

Uses for Cartridge Heaters

Cartridge Heaters have a lot of uses, but the most crucial function is to assist in the process of manufacturing by supplying localised heat. These cartridge heaters are designed in such a way that they provide optimum performance while also providing heat efficiently and accurately.

How effective a cartridge heater can be, is usually on the basis of a few factors like, the actual amount of heat that can be transferred from the sheath to the metal that is undergoing heating, its dielectric strength, and heat that is being transferred to the sheath. Dielectric strength is often calculated by the efficiency of the heater to retain electric current inside the coil.

Uses for Cartridge Heaters

1.Die Casting

During the process of die casting, a molten metal is initially placed inside a closed or open die so that the metal can be moulded into different forms and shapes. While the process of die casting is in progress, it is crucial to keep a track of the temperature of the metal and ensure that it is controlled and supervised. To accomplish this task, cartridge heaters are carefully positioned inside a hole in the die in order to accurately and cautiously control the temperature of the molten metal. In order to ensure that the quality of the final casting is at its highest, the entire process is meticulously regulated.

2. Mold Process

This process is pretty similar to the die process with some additional variations in the methods and materials being used. While talking about dies, it is important to keep a track of the temperature at which the heated metal solidifies. Cartridge heaters are inserted into the mold to help in controlling the process. During the process of solidification, the cartridge heaters are inserted into the mold to help in keeping the heat constant so that any kind of unevenness and weaknesses can be avoided in the molded part.

3. Food Production

The process of Food production also requires similar levels of control and accuracy as seen for the above processes of molding and die casting with the differentiator being, determining the accuracy during the preparation of food. Controlling heat becomes extremely crucial while preparing food, especially in the case of high volume food production centres, where an important criteria is to provide constant heat throughout a production run.

4. Medical

In the medical field, during the treatment of a patient, having the right control of heat is a very crucial factor in order to provide successful treatment. Several other medical processes also demand for exceptional heat control in order to assure success of the procedure along with safety of the patient. Cartridge heaters have been used in several machines to perform a variety of procedures that include kidney dialysis machines, controlling heat inside baby incubators, etc. In order to provide steady temperature and extraordinary heat transfer for different kinds of medical applications, cartridge heaters have been utilised in heating stainless steel or aluminium subassemblies.

5. Engine Block Heater

In frigid temperatures, Engine block heaters can be a reliable method to provide improved automotive performance. It provides efficient circulation of motor oil by warming engine fluids. Cartridge heaters are chosen among several varieties of block heaters because they are the easiest to install while also being the most effective. The coolant present inside an engine is heated quickly and efficiently due to the process of thermal induction used by the cartilage heaters.

6. Plastic Extrusion

The process of extrusion demands the molten plastic to undergo heating while simultaneously being forced through the mold by the screw. To help in having control over, and also providing constant heat so that the overall product is stable, cartridge heaters are included or installed in the extrusion process.The benefits of using cartridge heaters while performing the extrusion process include long service life and express warming.

With over 30 years of expertise in temperature sensor and cartridge heater manufacturing, Heatcon Sensors provides a high level of quality, accuracy, and an unbeatable commitment to customer support.

8 of the Most Commonly Used Cartridge Heaters

Cartridge Heater Types

Thermocouple Cartridge Heaters

Flanged Cartridge Heaters

Swaged Cartridge Heaters

Multizone Cartridge Heaters

Cartridge Heaters with Threaded Fittings

Cartridge Heaters with Split Sheath 

High Density Cartridge Heaters

High Temperature Cartridge Heaters

The different types of cartridge heaters depend on the type of applications, maximum temperature, overall length, watt density, tube diameter, heated length, and the variety of heating element being used. These factors help in determining the type of cartridge heater as well as how it is intended to be used.

The fundamental construction of most of the cartridge heaters is exactly the same regarding casing, wiring, and core. Variations will be observed in the kinds of metals, cores, and wires used. The durability and the associated quality of a cartridge heater is mostly dependent on the kind of materials that are used to manufacture it.

Cartridge Heater Types

1. Thermocouple Cartridge Heaters

Cartridge heaters that have a built-in thermocouple are utilised in heating the surface directly and their construction makes use of complex formulas to determine the fit, density, and wattage. The sheath temperature is measured by the internal thermocouple to determine the process temperature; internal thermocouple is ideal when there is a limitation in terms of available space. The sensor and power leads of the thermocouple are placed together on the outer side of the sheath. There are different varieties of thermocouple cartridge heaters, and they have been designed for specific applications. The thermocouple can be attached to the centre of the core, or at points along the length of the heater, or at the end of the heater. Based on the placement of the thermocouple, 3 styles of thermocouple cartridge heaters are available.

2. Flanged Cartridge Heaters

Cartridge heaters that have flanges make it possible to attach these kinds of cartridge heaters to the piece that is going to be heated. This is done by making use of a flange that is fixed permanently to the cartridge heater’s exterior end. This is done in order to make sure that the heater fits securely.

3. Swaged Cartridge Heaters

Prior to the swaging process, all of the elements including the oxide powder, resistance wiring, and the core are added to the heater. Mechanical swaging pushes the heater through a die thus reducing its diameter and also compacting  the interior components. This compacting process improves efficiency and enhances the heat transfer process.

4. Multizone Cartridge Heaters

When it comes to multi-zone cartridge heaters, a wound coil and power leads become an individual part of each and every section of the heater. There are two leads for every zone. In certain types of configurations, it is designed such that the zones will just have a common wire, and this would in turn act as one of the leads;  the individual sections can thus be controlled through this design. The advantage that the multi-zone system brings is that it gives us the ability to switch off a zone when it is not required; this in turn reduces the energy required.

5. Cartridge Heaters with Threaded Fittings

These types generally function similar to a flanged cartridge heater, threaded fittings help in providing the surety that the cartridge heater has been fit thoroughly. Threaded fittings give the luxury of faster installation and even speedy removal. Through the use of moisture seals protection enhancement is achieved.

6. Cartridge Heaters with Split Sheath 

Split sheath cartridge heater’s sheath is capable of expanding to increase its contact with the walls of the bore; this ensures maximum heat transfer and subsequently lesser power consumption.

The expansion of the sheath is achieved by eliminating the heater’s ceramic core, and in turn replacing it with magnesium oxide (MgO) that’s tightly packed around the heater coil. In doing so, the heater’s dielectric strength sees an improvement, and also better heat transfer is achieved. Split sheath cartridge heaters by nature of its construction have improved durability and have lesser failures that are the result of a bore seizure.

7. High Density Cartridge Heaters

High density cartridge heaters spread heat evenly over the casing of the heater and offer extraordinary power. They are built in order to withstand tough and rugged working conditions like expansion and contraction, vibrations, high temperatures, and shocks. Standard high density cartridge heaters have a cylindrical ceramic core around which a resistance wire is tightly wound. Room for more than one power zone is made available in a high density cartridge heater through the manner in which the resistance wire is placed.

8. High Temperature Cartridge Heaters

These kinds of cartridge heaters are designed with the goal of being able to withstand use in applications that involve very high temperatures; temperatures may range between 760°C and 870°C. Generally a lot of cartridge heaters that are used in high temperature applications are swagged, so that there is maximum vibration resistance and heat transfer. These types of cartridges are often used for sealing bars, hot stamping, heating platens, heat staking, and forming.

With over 3 decades of expertise in temperature sensor and cartridge heater manufacturing, Heatcon Sensors provides a high level of quality, accuracy, and an unbeatable commitment to customer support.