SLOT/STATOR Resistance Temperture Detectors
SLOT/STATOR Resistance Temperature Detectors are designed to measure the temperature of a winding stator. This type of thermocouple can be used to measure the temperature of any size stator, and provides an accurate & reliable temperature measurement solution for the industry.These type of sensors are used for the measurement of temperature in large Motors, Generators, etc
- RTD Types: PT-100 / PT-1000
- Temperature Range: -50°C to +200°C
- Elements: Platinum Thin Film RTD, Ceramic Wire wound
- Class of Tolerance (Reference DIN EN 60751): CLASS A, CLASS B
- Configurations: Simplex & Duplex (3 or 4 Wire)
- Connectors: Plastic (optional)
- Lead Wire: Teflon Insulated (with or without shielded) multi stand Wire
- Sheaths:-Fiber Glass Epoxy
- Minimum Length: 50mm
Maximum Length: 1000mm
Minimum Width: 8mm
Minimum Length: 50mm
Minimum Width: 10mm
Maximum Width: 50mm
Minimum Thickness:1 mm
Maximum Thickness: 5 mm