Paperless Recorder
Henix HI-8003-PLR paperless recorders have a built-in display which allows users to quickly review measured data in real time. Ease of use achieved with informational graphics and touch screen displays Personal delivery of process data with customized displays, Batch recording or continuous data.
Multiple Data Storage: Removable secure digital (SD) port, on-board non-volatile flash, USB flashes storage ports.
Soft touch allows the operator to scroll back in time and review historical trends.
This is having internal memory to store the data upto one year.
Standard RS-232 communication enables users to access on screen data and set up remote monitoring via the RS serial interface.
Touch screen display to enable operators to clearly view process data in different formats.
All have onboard flash data storage capability and Compact Flash cards for data archiving.
This device can serve web pages, allowing numerous people to monitor a system remotely.